Trustees Week November 2019

Between the 4th and the 8th November 2019 organisations across the country will be celebrating the people that are in charge of our charities, the Trustees.

Trustees play a pivotal role in local organisations across Cambridgeshire, make often difficult decisions and give their time freely, all of which contributes to the UK being the sixth most giving country in the world.

Trustees’ Week is an annual event to showcase the great work that trustees do and highlight opportunities for people from all walks of life to get involved and make a difference.

Support Cambridgeshire wants to play it’s part.

So if you want to recognise a Trustee from your organisation in that week please send us one side of A4 plus a JPEG photograph of the individual concerned and we will include them in our news items for that week. Tell us why they are such a great Trustee, how they help and why they do what they do.

Contributions should be with by 5PM on the 1st November 2019. 



The Skills Network – fully funded courses

The Skills Network has recently received Government funding in the Cambridge & Peterborough Combined Authority area which enables them to offer a variety of nationally recognised qualifications to staff, volunteers and the wider community at no cost to the participating organisation or the individual.

There are over 40 subjects available. Sectors include:

  • Mental Health
  • Health & Social Care
  • Children & Education
  • Nutrition, Health & Well Being
  • Professional Development.

These courses are flexible, and can be completed either online or paper-based via distance learning.

The comprehensive directory can be seen by clicking here.

The Skills Network works extensively with organisations of different sizes, and have seen a huge uptake in these courses which up-skill staff and improve development opportunities.

Enrolment to these courses is simple: Just follow this link, find your chosen course and click apply now.




Community ARC Activities and Resource Hire Centre

The Community ARC is an activities and resource hire centre. It offers resources to support clubs, voluntary organisations and community projects throughout Cambridgeshire.

Formerly known as The Youth Store, it’s a service provided by Cambridgeshire County Council and has supported the Youth sector for over 20 years. It is now extending its services to wider community groups.

Community ARC provides a range of arts and crafts activities, equipment, games, and for hire at reasonable cost. These resources can be used to support you in your work to engage communities and encourage participation in positive activities. For our customers, we are a one-stop shop for community engagement and can give you the resources you need to engage with your Community.

Some of the resources available include

  • Fundraising activities (including a professional candy floss machine)
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Team building games
  • Sports Equipment
  • Library Resources
  • Electrical Equipment

For more information on the resources available please visit Cambridgeshire County Council ARC Page

How it works

Resources are hired for a weekly set hire fee and others are charged per item by materials used, plus a standard hire charge. Some items such as library resources can be borrowed free of charge.


Nominations Required for the Hunts Forum Volunteer and Rural Volunteer Awards

Support Cambridgeshire partner Hunts Forum is hosting its AGM on 20th November to celebrate 25 years since the charity was formed. The event takes place at Huntingdon Town Hall from 5:30 to 7:30pm. Please email if you’re able to attend.

As in previous years, it is inviting people to nominate a volunteer/s to receive recognition for their skills and time given to local organisations and communities. There is also a Rural Volunteer Award, which was introduced following the retirement of our Treasurer, David Morgan, who asked that an award be made to volunteers working in the more rural areas of our county.

Every nomination will receive a certificate of recognition, so please bring your volunteer along to receive it personally on the night.

Nominations must be submitted by 1 November to allow time for them to be judged, certificates to be produced and prizes arranged.

Please use the links below to download the nomination forms, to be returned to

Hunts Forum Volunteer Award 2019 nomination form

Hunts Forum Rural Volunteer Award 2019 nomination form

Have Your Say on Changes to Adult Social Care Charging Policy

Members of the public are invited to have a say over Cambridgeshire County Council’s plans to change its Adult Social Care charging policy.
The council wants the people who use its social care services to pay a bigger contribution for their care to raise extra money.

It is proposing five changes which would bring in nearly £2m of extra money for the council. Read the full story over on the Healthwatch Cambridgeshire website.

Support Cambridgeshire’s Annual Report

The Support Cambridgeshire Annual Report is now ready to view by clicking here.

Its been another busy year for the partnership in what has been a very challenging and dynamically changing landscape within Cambridgeshire. We hope you enjoy reading the report.

If you have any questions arising from the report please contact

Commissioning Forum

The next Support Cambridgeshire Commissioning Forum takes place on the 30th October 2019 at Bar Hill Village Hall 

Commissioning Forums give VCSE sector representatives the opportunity to ask Commissioners about best practice, the current landscape in commissioning through Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and what the future might look like.

3 Commissioners will be in attendance on the day.

The Agenda is as follows:

Welcome and introductions.

Summary of previous meetings.

Challenges & Opportunities.

Bridging the Gap.

Moving Forward.

The session will be facilitated by Julie Farrow, lead CEO of Support Cambridgeshire and Fiona Adler from the Commissioning Unit.

The event will begin promptly at 9AM and will finish at 12.30PM.

To book your space contact



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