Safeguarding is a term widely used in the Voluntary and Community sector, and with good reason. Safeguarding is a legal responsibility for all community groups. Some level of safeguarding will be required to keep everyone safe in person and online and to build trust and maintain your group’s reputation. You should not be discouraged from offering your activities because of safeguarding. Depending on your activities and who you work with, you may just need to put a few key guidelines in place and you’ll be able to proceed legally and safely.
Top tips and things to remember
- A child is a person who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. Safeguarding means protecting a child’s right to live safely, free from abuse (physical/emotional or sexual) and neglect.
- An adult at risk is someone aged over 18 who has care and support needs and is either experiencing/at risk of abuse and neglect and because of their care and support needs is unable to protect themselves.
- If you think an adult or child your group comes across is in immediate danger, you should always call 999.
- A group should ideally have a safeguarding adult policy and a separate safeguarding children policy with clear procedures. These should cover responsibilities and actions to be taken including how to recruit those involved safely and how to pass information of concerns to the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Board.
- Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. If you notice something that makes you wonder if something is wrong, you need to follow the guidelines outlined in your safeguarding policy and procedures. For more information around this speak to us directly.
- If you are working with another group to deliver an event or run an activity, make sure they also have safeguarding guidance in place.
Need more support?
If you need more support or one-to-one advice on this topic, get in touch with either Hunts Forum or CCVS. We have knowledgeable staff who can advise and offer more support suitable for your organisation. If you are not sure which organisation to contact email us at, and we will pass you on to the right person.
Local resources
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Board have lots of resources on their website.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Board website
NCVO have free resources on their website, they also have lots of free, online sway training packs.
NCPCC have free resources for safeguarding children.
Local training
CCVS and Hunts Forum offer safeguarding training to their members for free. There would be a cost for non-members. Check out their website for more information.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Board have free refresher or basic training for staff and volunteers, available here. For more in-depth or area-specific training can be booked here.