Book a space at our Commissioning Forum (South)

Are you a voluntary or community group working in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough?

Do you know that Cambridgeshire & Peterborough have a new commissioning unit that decides how all contracts and grants are awarded?

Support Cambridgeshire has been working with Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Commissioning Unit on developing better understanding and interaction between commissioners and voluntary groups.  We asked in our annual state of the sector survey if you wanted to learn more about what the Commissioning Unit does, what their priorities are, what impact changes might have on your service and how can we work better together.   The response was overwhelmingly in favour of some kind a regular forum – recognising the difficulties some can have in getting around the county we are proposing to set up two identical forum’s one south, one north.  The first session will see the lead commissioner outlining the units priorities and asking for your comments, we hope the session will be informative and very interactive.

The first Commissioning Forum (South)has been scheduled for Thursday 11th October 9.30 – 12.30 at the Meadows Community Centre Cambridge. 

To register an interest or book your place please contact Trisha at


Support Cambridgeshire Free Training Programme

Support Cambridgeshire is required to deliver a set number of training and networking sessions under our current funding arrangements with the County Council.

Our programme from September 2018 – March 2019 can be found here:

All of these events or workshops are Free to any community organisation that operates within Cambridgeshire.

So book your space today and don’t miss out..!!

In addition, the Partnership can provide information and advice on all of the following:

  • Funding, governance, data protection, finance, recruiting volunteers and more.
  • Topic-based networking opportunities on key issues.
  • Parish Council conferences and peer learning events:
  • Regular eNewsletters, social media and email updates.
  • A website full of useful information:
  • A searchable funding portal:
  • Voluntary and community sector voice and representation at County Council meetings.
  • An annual State of the Sector survey.
  • Support for time banks, time credits, community organising, business engagement and corporate social responsibility.

If you require further information or help and support simply contact



Big Lottery Award in Soham

The Big Lottery has awarded Support Cambridgeshire an Awards For all Grant to help deliver social action projects in Soham, East Cambridgeshire.

The award was granted in July 2018 and the scheme commenced on 4th September 2018.

So whats going to happen:

The Neighbourhood Cares Team of the County Council are already active in Soham, and have been over the past 12 months. Our award enables Support Cambridgeshire to work with that team, and many of the other agencies who are already providing valuable services in the area.

Over the next 12 months Support Cambridgeshire will play an active role in:

  • Mapping the good work that’s already taking place in Soham and ensuring residents know where and how to find services, activities and projects.
  • Having a community conversation with the residents about what they like, want improved or want to shape in their Neighbourhood.
  • Providing the results of this survey and encouraging residents to think about, start or support them in developing ideas about how best to assist their community and neighbours.

Watch out for the survey – its coming soon.

Ben Pitt (Communities Officer) states:

The local residents of Soham are best placed to tell us what’s missing in their local community. I look forward to working with them over the next 12 months, exploring ways of working together and connecting the community.

Consultation – Future of Adult Social Care

The Local Government Association has published a Green Paper on adult social care and wellbeing, and how it is funded. It now wants to hear from government departments, charity and voluntary sector organisations, academic and private sectors as well as individuals, to gather their views on the proposals.

Please click here to read the Gren Paper and have your say.

The power of annual reporting

The Charity Commission is urging charities to communicate better with the public through the power of their annual report and annual accounts.

This comes following the Commission’s recent publication of the results of its latest monitoring reviews of charity trustees’ annual reports and accounts.

The findings reveal a modest improvement in the quality of public reporting, but the regulator says that too many charities are still falling short in this area of Governance.

Public benefit reporting is designed to provide transparency so that the public can understand exactly what a charity does and how their donations are being used.

You can read more about Public Benefit Reporting by clicking here.

Source: NAVCA LINX 534

Our Annual Report

Support Cambridgeshire partners have had a busy and active year.

Across our 5 work-streams, much has been done, and we look forward to year 3 and building further on our work.

Our Annual Report can be viewed here:

In year 3 we have planned some new activities which include:

  • A new CEO network that connects the voluntary sector and looks at the main challenges we all face.
  • A new Commissioning Forum which brings together statutory partners and the voluntary sector in a spirit of co-production.
  • More evidence led training for community organisations.
  • A connecting communities volunteer fair which looks at the potential volunteering impact on social isolation and loneliness.

And of course there will be the continuation of activities which we know helps to build the sectors confidence. Our next Annual Town and Parish Council conference is scheduled for November 2018, our network programme runs throughout the year and 1-1 support and development for groups is always available and on-going.

Visit our website:

If you require support, advice or assistance contact


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