Meeting attended: Local People Board
VCS Representatives: Sharon Allen, Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, Deborah Katznelson, COPE
Date of meeting: 23 April 2023
Summary of agenda items / key themes discussed:
Leadership compact review and ICB delivery framework; how to ensure this is lived in working with partners. Developing programme of activity to ensure compact becomes second nature – links to work of Leadership & partnership sub-group. The Wall (included in Joint Forward Plan)

– each of the ‘bricks’ has been allocated to a member of ICB Exec Team.
BAF (Board Assurance Framework) to note
Industrial Action review, our system was disproportionately impacted due to number of organisations in our system who met the threshold for strike action. Lot of work undertaken to plan for and seek to mitigate impact on patients. Impact for patients on planned appointments, procedure, diagnostic, surgery as well as people seeking emergency care. Looking at learning and what can be taken forward into future ways of working. Discussion of impact on team dynamics, morale, moral injury etc.
Workforce planning review, NHS submission although does reference VSCE and Local Authority. Submitting breakeven financial plan (bringing down significant deficit but plan includes £50m unmitigated risk)
Doctors in primary care, opportunity to become an interested site for non GP medics to work in primary care (no additional funding). Lots of interesting discussion, early days, lots more debate to be had, particularly with Medical Directors and to risk assess implications and mitigations. Noted as a good opportunity to test the hypotheses through a system lens.
SIP update:
R&R (please see separate updates provided from this sub-groups)
EDI – Staff survey results still show concerns re experience of colleagues from minoritized racial backgrounds, Regional Lead joining soon to support with actions, Beyond Difference programme will be developed, developing a toolkit to tackle institutional racism.
Leadership – changing culture and embedding compassionate leadership, reintroducing Stepping in to my shoes programme, interplay of culture of integrated team working (several programmes coming on stream including; Civility Saves Lives, Above Difference, Psychological Safety/Just Culture and Quality Improvement Approach), System relationships and collaboration and Leadership.
CPICS ARU collaboration, this work follows on from a workshop held in February, focused on innovation in R&R (lead Ade Tam, Deputy Chief People Officer), portability ED & Training. A symposium to develop ideas is being held 10 July.
Forward plan:
June – Health and Wellbeing and Efficient and Effective Ways of Working
Aug – Education Learning and Development
Oct – Creating Healthy Communities and Workforce aligned with service transformation
Implications for the VCS
Think about how we also embed the Leadership compact priorities within our organisations aligned to our own values and approaches and in our dealings with partners across the system.
Industrial action impact could then impact on voluntary sector organisations with increased demand?
What can we do to support more efficient working across the system to support with deficit reduction without impacting quality of support to our community?
- Ensure Health Alliance meeting has workforce focus, invite Sam Carr, Claudia Iton and Rebecca Tuten
- Familiarise selves with The Wall and where our activity aligns.
- Ensure we are represented at symposium July 10th (Sharon attending)
Date, time and venue of next meeting and name of the representative who will be attending
23 June, 13.30 via Teams, Sharon attending