
We all know that volunteers are the life-blood of many community organisations, and that without their dedication activities and projects would simply not be delivered.

So lets all join in with NCVO’s latest campaign – YouMadeItHappen.

This is an opportunity for voluntary sector organisations across Cambridgeshire to say a big thank you to their supporters and to show them the difference their time and money has made, and its all happening soon.

NCVO are asking every charity to use the hashtag #YouMadeItHappen on social media on Friday 11 October 2019.

Here’s some guidance from NCVO about the day:

  • Join others across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram all day on 11 October 2019 by thinking of the messages you want to highlight and using the hashtag #YouMadeItHappen.
  • The key is to make sure your supporters see you saying thank you. Get everyone to notice the hashtag and see the amazing organisations they and their friends and family are supporting, as well as the huge range of work charities do.
  • Focus on providing stories and statistics that illustrate the difference your supporters make. This is not about raising money or getting more volunteers signing up, it is about simply saying ‘thank you’ to those who have already donated their time and money, as well as showing them exactly what that time and money is achieving for your mission. 


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