Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Voluntary Sector Network Update

Sandie introduced Bev Hoskins who is head of pay and reward for the ICB and has recently had Health and Wellbeing added to her job specification.

Bev explained that she had been asked to look at the Staff Support Hub (it was ending) and looked at the costed benefits. A system approach is needed so that people need to know where to go for support.

It was asked, “What services from the Support Hub could be delivered by the voluntary sector?” Gemma from Lifecraft said that some had in the past but a further conversation is needed.

Bev explained that they are planning to start a staff recognition scheme- The idea would be for a member of staff a month would be given a day to spend at a voluntary sector organisation. For this, they would need a list of organisations that would be willing to facilitate this.

Was this an ask that the Voluntary Sector Network could promote or would it be better coming from a CVS organisation?

ACTION: Sandie will speak with Julie Farrow Hunt’s Forum and decide how this could progress.

It was felt it would be important for the person who visited to have an opportunity to feedback to the wider ICS their experience and possibly take their host with them to the meeting as well as feedback to the Voluntary Sector Network.

Several attendees at the meeting expressed an interest in this opportunity.


Lynette Huran– Lynette shared a presentation on how the Voluntary Sector Alliance was set up and what it does.

Eva Acs- Eva told the group about Fullscope

ACTION both sets of slides to be shared after the meeting.

A discussion took place then on the value of consortia work and it was obvious that a lot was being achieved from both the Voluntary Sector Alliance as well as Fullscope. As well as a better way of working for the organisations it ultimately ends up with a better service for the user of services.

It was acknowledged that to start something like this up needs a leader, key learning points need to be mapped and ultimately the commitment particularly time from the charity leads.

Eva recommended a book called Radical Help by Hilary Cottam.

ACTION Sandie to have a conversation with CVS as to how the Voluntary Sector Network could capture some of the learning.


Most actions have been completed.

We are still collecting project proposals if anyone wants to send any in send to

Keith Smith is still having problems getting invited to the North Partnership- Julie is following this up.


The Volunteer Portal Volunteer Cambs is being launched to the public this week. You will see district focuses starting with Fenland.

Funding for VSN

The NHS have delayed agreeing on funding for next year and a decision is expected at the end of April. We will be continuing with business as usual for the time being. If any other organisations are awaiting these late decisions from ICB then contact Julie or Sandie.

Aligning Support– meeting with Kit Connick bringing all districts and all organisations including police and crime commissioner into one place to align commissioning to a similar approach. Specific pieces of work are:

*shared normative on a local basis


*measuring impact

Andrea Grosbois said ICS have acknowledged on their risk register the funding of the voluntary sector. This is being shared with other statutory organisations with a recommendation that they also formally recognise this risk.


Procurement rules are changing. Julie and Sandie are looking at the possibility of a charter of procurement with Julie checking out the national guidance. The NHS changes happened from 1st Jan and also apply to public health. There is a plan to run a series of online events online from March for organisations.

It would be good to know what support is needed.  We will share a link to the NHS England slides post-meeting.


The steering group are going to look at the final designs and we should be able to share them in April. Watch this space.

Quality Workshop

Many organisations attended these over the 2 sessions and we had input from ICB as well as the council. Sandie will be producing an action plan from the findings- the steering group will meet to decide the final ratings for each section.

ACTION to book steering group meeting- Sandie is to include the actions in the forthcoming strategic review.


Sharon Allen – People Board. Sharon and colleague Gemma, attend some of the 8 subgroups of the people board. On the recruitment side, the online portal JUST R are looking to see how voluntary sector roles could be added. Sharon would like any feedback if your organisation does engage with this.

The Breaking Barrier Innovation (more and Different) is going to be focussing on Fenland/Wisbech.

If anyone is attending the careers expo in Peterborough could they also feedback to Sharon?

Miriam Martin- ICB Investment, commissioning, improvement and reform committee. There was talk about Health Economics and discussed who will get the high-impact intervention. The group were reminded to talk to the VSN.

Out-of-area challenges (such as hospital discharge) have been recognised by ICB as a big issue- the timing to raise this is good.

We have one rep vacancy and Miriam has agreed to hold this position until we know next year’s funding.

ABOVE DIFFERENCE- Sharon, Miriam and Keith have attended the first session of this and they all agreed it was worth doing. It was decided that those attending would collate some feedback at the end to share with colleagues in case a future offer was available.

ACTION Sandie and Sharon to discuss capturing feedback

LEARNING DISABILITY- Debbie and Fiona reported back on the work being done to look at better outcomes for those with LD and or Autism. Meetings have been held with professionals as well as some service users on what good should look like for the next 5 years.

INTEGRATED NEIGHBOURHOODS– Sandie and Debbie met with some new IN managers to give them information on the VSN.  The St Ives manager Ellen is interested to hear from people who may want to be involved in the launch for the St Ives area. Let Debbie know.


Julie updated the meeting with work that has been being done with the faith groups. There has not been a good understanding of what has been being delivered by faith groups. Funding has enabled a baseline by the district of open activities. A list of these will be live on the Hunts Forum website later in March- details will be circulated once available.

Stage 2 of the process- Visits to organisations will take place to see how they can engage further and maybe want to link up.

Stage 3 – what sort of support is needed to help with engagement?

Next Meeting

17th April 1-3pm in Peterborough.

22rd May 10-12 – St Ives

26th June 1-3 on Zoom