Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Voluntary Sector Network
July Update
Chaired by Sandie Smith
Heather Noble and Erin Lilley, South Care Partnership
Heather and Erin shared their slides which were circulated post-meeting. The South Place partnership covers Ely, Cambridge, Cambourne and Royston with a population of 460K and aims to make a positive impact over the next 2-5 years. They are working collaboratively to deliver better, more equal outcomes for the population, focusing on prevention and early intervention.
To do this there is recognition the need to bringing different organisations, services and resources together in local areas, to meet local needs at integrated neighbourhood level. The aim is for different agencies to work together so that care is more proactive, personalised, and focuses on people who most need support – e.g., the High Impact Use programme. The South place have set up multi agency forums in 3 localities.
High Impact Use Programme- We secured £2.5m funding for 18 months to enable partners to work together to support and care for people as close to home as possible, including when specialist input is required. Proactively identifying people, providing a personalised care plan and working to tackle the root of their issues.
Tier 1 – high users of ED and Ambulatory Care across C&P
Tier 2 – delivered at Neighbourhood or practice level working on those people identified through local data and priorities.
WorkWell Programme -Heather and Erin also introduced the WorkWell programme. This national programme from the DWP has a focus on a more proactive and personalised approach for people that are have physical or mental health conditions that have, or are likely to, lead to their unemployment.
There will be some Integrated Work and Health Hubs
The Market Engagement Process specification should be available by 26th July with Market engagement to be completed by 16th August. Hubs are expected to go live in October.
Concerns from the attendees of the VSN included
· Time scales – this has been determined by DWP ICB have little control over this
· How do organisations get involved or hear about this especially as this is happening during many people’s summer break. There is a desire for the opportunities for greater involvement. The engagement document will be shared with providers soon.
· Will any monies follow the person- ie at present no monies follows social prescribing referrals. There will be some monies for identified individuals- who will hold the budget?
· Why has there not been more involved of the voluntary sector from the beginning? Often these organisations see the barriers first hand and have been already delivering support.
· It was felt that the Voluntary sector should be valued for their expertise and not just there to “help out”
ACTION– to ensure opportunity to engage / be part of is shared asap
ReSPECT- Sharon Allen
Sharon has previously mentioned the ReSPECT programme and shared the form with the meeting. The form is for use with people who are seriously unwell and is broader than a DNR form. It asks about things such as “what’s important to you?” “ what are your fears?”
I was felt that although it would be good for the voluntary sector know what the form included most would not be in a position to fill the form with a person. Sharon confirmed this has to be done by a clinician but that VCSE staff and volunteers could help raise awareness of the process with people.
Sharon asked if there was an appetite for training around the ReSPECT. If there is interest, then ARHC can deliver some for the group.
ACTION – all members to notify Debbie if they would be interested in ReSPECT training.
Several people took up the offer of the Above Difference training, Sharon and Sandie are organising an evaluation to demonstrate the benefits to the sector.
There will be another “Leading Beyond Boundaries” Cohort 5 this is 4 days of training- watch this space
Springboard – again another 2 more cohorts for this are coming up. The VSN have had some free places previously but these are not cheap….if there are places and you are signing up going forward please consider making a donation from any training g budget your organisation has.
We still have a few places left for the “Making the World a Bit Different “ course on 12th September- contact Debbie if you are interested.
VSN update- Sandie
We were pleased to be able to offer 9 projects funding under the Assura / ICB grants. We will have a second round for this in the autumn. £50k has been guaranteed from Assura and the ICB are seeing what can be offered too (Thank you Andrea). We will be focussing on Integrated Neighbourhoods who did not receive funding in the first round.
We hope to show case some of the funded round one projects at our December VSN meeting.
STRATEGY- since the QDT workshops Sandie has been meeting with Aimee from NAVCA to prepare a document. The Goals will stay the same and the actions will be added.
ACTION– Andrea to see what approval is needed from ICB
DATA PROJECT- Micheal (CAB) and Andrea have managed to secure a section on the NHS Futures platform. This will hold a list of organisations that are willing to share their data (it will not have the data itself) and will say what data they hold so if another organisation is looking for something specific they can see if someone else has this.
Michael will be running a few workshops around this starting late September- Details will be shared soon.
ACTION – to share workshop details once confirmed.
REPRESENTATIVE- We have a vacancy for VSN member to be a representative on the Improvement and Reform/ Commissioning and Investment committee. We are able to make a small payment to organisations for taking part in this and we expect a small amount of feedback in return. For more details contact Sandie.
ACTION– to share details post meeting.
SHOWCASE- this event was well attended. 12 VSN organisations showcased their activities and 48 people attended throughout the day from a wide variety of statutory and Voluntary sector organisations. We hope the repeat this mid Autumn.
Sharon mentions the opportunity for the VSN to be involved with the ICS wider community of practise around organisational development. This info and expressions of interest was previously shared on an email- response to Laura Porro.
The New Care Model meeting that was held the week previously was mentioned. The importance of the voluntary sector involvement was mentioned.
Andrea explained what had been shared was an overview of the model and she felt there was huge opportunity for involvement. There is an engagement plan and the ICB are looking at governance.
Concerns raised were
· Some of the parts ie digital were due to start in October
· The ICB are implementing this at pace
· Have we been shown the real version of truth? At different meetings more detail has been shared
· The time frame is very short
· What the involvement going to look like going forward
· Where is a co production plan
Action log
63. Danny will be attending the September meeting on workforce
81 +85 in progress
Others are completed.
Next meeting
September 11th 9.30-11.30 on Zoom
October 16th 10-12 in Peterborough