Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Voluntary Sector Network

June Update

Chaired by Sandie Smith

Sandie welcomed all attendees and offered the option for people to introduce themselves in the chat function as there was high attendance.

Clive Emmett from UCAN (Uttlesford Community Action Network) – Ticket Home CIC.

Clive’s presentation explained that they knew there was a case for change around hospital discharge and there was a quest for efficiency. There needed to be improved productivity, improved patient access and experience and improved outcomes. They have been working with their local trust as well as Addenbrookes (for discharges into their patch).

One of the required needs was a discharge date prediction- this gives all involved with a patient time to plan for discharge rather than waiting for discharge to happen and then support sought at a late stage.

They realised too that caregivers needed to be consulted as the level of support previously given might not be achievable in new circumstances or extra commitment might be needed but not available.

Acute Social Prescriber Link Workers are based in the hospital and can get to a patient early to have conversations. QR codes have been put on bedside cabinets that relatives can then refer to.

Tasks are tracked in real-time and hospital staff have access to the system so they can see what has been put in place. All those referred get a post-discharge call within 48hrs.

Action presentation to be shared as well as Clive’s email and report.

Rob Henchy and Dan Horn Fenland District Council Help Hub (presentation for this had been shared pre-meeting).

The Help Hub aims to increase the number of Fenland residents being connected to help and support and to change the profile of customers contacting the Council so residents start seeking help earlier to prevent issues from escalating, reducing the need for higher-cost interventions.

To support residents, including those on certified sickness absence into/ back to employment and training by addressing issues and barriers to entry

Develop a “one team” culture between Councils, the Voluntary Sector and Health teams, shaped by the principles of the trusted assessor model, reducing duplication and the need for residents to share their stories repeatedly

Rob explained they had 1 year of funding from Public Health and the steer was to get people back into work as part of the offer.

Phase one of the programme has already gone live.

There is an ask from the voluntary sector to be involved in a multidisciplinary meeting. It was asked by the meeting if there would be any monies for the organisations but there is not. The Working Well Programme will involve several hubs across the area and some monies will be attached to these.

Director Update- Sandie

ASSURA GRANTS Sandie updated the group on the Assura grants. 15 full applications have been submitted. 10 will be awarded monies- those successful will be told as soon as the Trustees of Cheshire Foundation Trust have agreed.

Round 2 of these grants is being discussed- it will be targeted at those Integrated Neighbourhood areas not covered by the first grant round. The final aim is to have one project per Integrated Neighbourhood

QDT /STRATEGY UPDATE The steering group have been meeting with Aimee from NAVCA to progress this. A consultation plan has been written (for approval by the steering group) and the aim is to start consultation in September for 6 weeks giving groups/ organisations to make comments in various ways- watch this space. The Launch of the completed document will then be at our December VSN meeting (all going to plan)

DATA UPDATE The digital platform for collecting data has been built with some tweaking needed. We need to clarify what data will be collected and what for. Michael (CAB) and Andrea have a meeting planned.

WORKFORCE The ICB People Strategy is being produced and it’s essential that the voluntary sector is included. Sharon, Sandie and Andrea are feeding into this.

We are pleased to say that the VSN are being offered some places on training courses and these opportunities are being taken up. If you do take a place, please let Sandie or Debbie know that you have attended and please we would like some feedback that can be shared with the rest of the group.

The Above Difference programme has taken place and attendees from VSN have been asked to evaluate.

Reps Feedback

Michael Firek gave feedback from the most recent Commissioning, investment, improvement and Reform Committee. He reported that there was a section around the provider selection regime.

The NHS Futures platform has information on this. At present, it applies to health with the public sector to follow. Slides are included below for more information.

Michael has decided to step down from this committee after the June meeting.

PRN00853-Provider-Selection-Regime-overview-slides-January-2024.pptx (

Miriam Martin reported back to the Quality Performance and Finance committee. She reported that it had been useful to be part of another group and see how things progressed from one group to another. It would be useful to have sight of each other’s agendas.

A vaccination programme-a vaccination board is being set up and a discussion about voluntary sector representation – there is no funding to pay a rep for this.

Action log

78- this is being picked up separately

91- at the last meeting Sande talked about the health inequalities event and was surprised that others were not involved. Sandie is pleased to have found out that Keith Smith – Ferry Project has been asked to present at this and Sandie asked for some extra people to be involved. After the event there will be some feedback at a future VSN meeting.

All other actions are completed or ongoing.

Future meetings

JULY meeting will be held in the CAB building in Cambridge – the director for adult social care in Cambridgeshire has been invited and Sharon Allen will be giving an update on the Respect work

SEPT- VSN/ICS strategy update and possibly Laura Porro -Workforce

OCT- Revisit the North Partnership from the strategic perspective

Sandie has invited South Place and the Director for Adult Social Care Peterborough to attend future meetings.


Debbie that 12 people had attended the representation training that was put on. From the session it was clear that there were other areas that people would like insight on and one was Trust and Influence.

Andrea said that ICB had some training available as well as Train the Trainer

Action- Debbie and Andrea to confirm what can be offered when and arrange.

Healthwatch had done some work on this too so it would be good to see what they had.

Action Caroline Tyrrell-Jones to share with Debbie for group

The Showcase event (11th July) has 12 organisations ready to showcase and bookings for the sessions are coming in slowly but steadily. Please support where you can

The  LQBTQ+ Health and Wellbeing session that had to be cancelled has been rescheduled for August 20th 12-1.15

Next Meeting- save the dates calendar requests will be out soon.

July 24thin Cambridge

Sept 11thon zoom

Oct 16thPeterborough

Nov 13thon Zoom

Dec 11th In Huntingdon