Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Voluntary Sector Network Update
Sandie welcomed everyone to this month’s meeting. Brief introductions were given.
Introduction – Laura Porro, ICB
Laura Porro introduced herself as the Assistant Director for Development and Leadership and confirmed her support and understanding of the value of the VCSE sector. Laura stated that she is looking to promote collaborative work. Keith Smith gave Wisbech Integrated Neighbourhood (IN) as a good example of working together across sectors. It was agreed that this IN could be seen as an example of what works. Andrea raised the need for equity of voice and Julie Farrow added equity in setting the agenda as another aspiration. Sandie thanked Laura for her support and contribution and that we look forward to working with her in the future.
Integrated Neighbourhoods (North)
Sandie stated that she attends the North IN Development Group on behalf of the Network and that Rob Murphy is developing a vision for IN development. The meeting agreed that this was much needed to start to address the significant variations in models and approaches. It was further agreed that IN work needs to reflect the wider determinants of health and include the VCSE as equal partners.
Action: Sandie to feed this back to Rob and the group.
Faith Group Research – Julie Farrow
Julie explained that the focus of this research was to understand the scope of the faith sector and how best to connect with them. It consisted of two parts;
- Desktop research to scope the sector, on a district basis. This resulted in identifying 700 groups.
- Qualitative conversations with a 10% sample to understand development needs.
The report findings show that the key strength of the faith sector is listening to their congregation and responding to local needs. They are not dependent on securing grants and contracts and so have a high degree of autonomy. The report will be available at the end of April.
Action: Sandie to include an item in the next VSN news bulletin and circulate the report when ready.
Programme Director update
Sandie updated the meeting on the various strands of work and confirmed that the new Steering Group had met. The review of the strategy is being planned with oversight from this group. A final workshop is being held to finalise the Quality Development Tool with the resultant action plan informing the strategic review.
23 organisations submitted Expressions of Interest in the Assura/ICB grant programme. The panel has met and 13-15 will be asked to submit a full application. The VSN ‘Proposal Library’ has circa 10 projects and this will now be paused whilst it is circulated (via Andrea) to ICB colleagues. Keith suggested the unsuccessful Assura/ICB EOIs be invited to contribute this this Library. Sandie thanked all members for their contributions to these pieces of work.
Action: Sandie to invite unsuccessful Assura/ICB EOIs be invited to complete a form for the ‘Proposal Library’.
Data Project
Michael explained how a working group of 7 VCSE organisations have worked together to design a Data Catalogue that we can use to share data for a range of purposes, including proving the need for funding applications. It is a challenge to match up data headings, as we all use different systems, but some similarities have been found. Michael is now discussing with Andrea how we can develop a platform that members can access. Julie asked if staff sickness data is being recorded. Sandie confirmed that Sharon Allen and ICB colleagues have discussed this.
Action: Sandie to set up a discussion with Julie and Sharon to discuss.
Action: Sandie to include in a future news bulletin.
Representatives’ feedback and discussion
Miriam Martin confirmed that she had not attended a full meeting recently so had little feedback. However, Miriam stated that the ‘Above Difference’ leadership programme that she and some other VCSE leaders are undertaking, is very powerful. Sandie confirmed that Sharon and herself have an action to coordinate a review of this programme from the VCSE attendees’ perspective, once completed.
CEO Network
Julie explained that the Cambs CEO Network meets regularly and recently was attended by Stephen Moir, CEO of Cambs County Council. Stephen confirmed that there will be separate Directors of Public Health for Cambs and Peterborough when Jyoti Atri, the current DPH, leaves.
Julie thanked Debbie for her hard work coordinating the recent VCSE online showcase, she has received very positive feedback. The meeting echoed its thanks. Sandie confirmed that there is a waiting list and that another showcase will be held in the summer.
Julie highlighted that the next iteration of the Staff Support Hub is being planned. A working group has been set up to re menopause support and a VCSE rep is being sought.
Action: Julie to get more details and circulate them to the Network.
Gill Benedikz highlighted an event that PCVS is holding on 20th May for the sector to better understand the statutory landscape. Sandie offered to circulate this to VSN members.
Action: Gill to forward details to Sandie and Debbie.
Ade informed the meeting of free Alzheimer’s awareness training offered by the Alzheimer’s Society and extended an invitation to all partners to visit their resource centre.
Next meeting
10am-12pm Wednesday 22nd May
The Corn Exchange, St Ives