Voluntary Sector Network meeting notes – October 16 PCVS Peterborough

Chair Sandie Smith

Sandie welcomed everyone and thanked Kirsteen and PCVS for providing the venue.


All the actions have been completed with action 99 the offer of ReSPECT training about to go out to VSN members within the week.

North Care Partnership and Integrated Neighbourhoods – Dr Abby Richardson & Sara Bailey

Abby gave a presentation explaining where the North Care Partnership covers as well as sharing the priorities for this area.

Abby explained that with the introduction of more comprehensive care plans they had started to see some results. They have completed 3723 care plans for the area.

The patients are coded so the system can see the background activity and can capture some of the associated costs. The quality of the Care Plan has improved for the patient and there already has been a reduction in costs associated with these patients. There is still some way to go to see the full benefits

The My Asthma App now has 5820 people onboarded. This is an app to help people manage their own asthma.

The North Care Partnership have been £180k from the Cancer Alliance this is to do work around increasing the uptake on cervical screening.

Sara gave an overview of the Integrated Neighbourhoods (IN) for the North Partnership. At present there are 12 with one more for Peterborough to be launched. A lot of learning has gone on since the first launch.

Each IN area has a Programme manager and each individual IN has a project manager making the work very localised for a localised need.

It was mentioned that some of the voluntary sector organisations work across North and South and thus some understanding of this needs recognising when priorities etc vary.

There is a North IN Development group that Sandie attends. The group have reviewed their terms of reference and agreed an extra place for a VCSE organisation. Sandie will be asking VSN members for interest.

ACTION– presentation slides to be shared post meeting.

Leesa Murray- Peterborough City Council

Leesa gave the meeting a background of her previous roles and explained that she is now the Commissioner for Adult Social care. She is responsible for contracts as well as quality.

The Local Authority priorities are

Education and Employment for those with LD and Mental Health problems

Supported Living settings- hoping to give people more options of what types of support they need.

To improve the transition from Child to Adult services.

The home and community support tender is due out at the end of the month. Organisations interested should look on Pro Contract

There is a job advert coming out shortly for a mental health commissioner for the team.

The Home Care market is quite buoyant at the moment with plenty of spaces. It is more difficult to find dementia care though.

The council are looking at ways to support carers better and there is soon to be a launch of an App called BRIDGIT this will help identify unpaid carers and point them to the right place to get support etc.

The council are keen for direct payment to be used but do not want it used for agencies. Thus we are working with PCVS looking at the personal assistant role to try and encourage more people to take up these posts and are looking at a wage of £15.49 hr . PCC are actively trying to get care packages uplifted to enable this.

Workwell- Andrea

This is an 18month pilot being funded by DWP. The aim is to get those people who are able to get back into work maybe after an intervention etc. This is not aimed at people with permanent long term conditions.

Allocation for the 4 areas have been agreed. CPSL Mind have Cambridge City, East and South, Fenland DC are covering Fenland, HDC have the contract for Huntingdonshire and the Papworth Trust have the contract for Peterborough.

Phase 1 will run from Oct to March approximately and will look at the spot purchasing options.

There will be small personal budgets for each person and people will be asked what it is they need to get back into work.

Some spot purchasing will be needed but only to purchase a new service or an extension of places to an existing offer.

There will be initial evaluation after 6 months.

The group recognised that often people are off work with stress- is there potential to work with employers on this?

There is also a worry that there will be an increased risk of referrals coming to VS organisations and as with Social Prescribers there will not be finance to support this.

 Director Feedback- Sandie Smith

Sandie attended an away day for VSCE alliance lead recently and found it very useful.

There is an aim to have a National Network of Networks (like the VSN) and Sandie has agreed to support the set up of an Eastern region network.

It has also been agreed that VCSE health alliances, ie our VSN, can join NAVCA.

STRATEGY REVIEW the consultation on this closes next week so there is still time to fill in the survey. Sandie will then finalise the action plan for approval by the VSN Steering Group. ICB approval planned for December. The new plan will be launched in January.

ASSURA MONIES we are still looking to have a second round of grants offered out before Christmas.

Three of the previous grant recipients will present their projects at December’s VSN meeting which is in person meeting.

DECOUPLING OF LDP- the steering group sent a letter to the leader of CCC and to the ICB raising the concerns around this. The steering group are meeting with some relevant partners to discuss this. A question around this was raised at South Place and it may be raised at North too.

FAITH RESEARCH- Hunts Forum have done some work on this and are now looking at Global faiths. The Gather Movement are putting on a conference next year and the VSN will be supporting this.

Reps Feedback

Miriam – several items discussed at recent meeting. The making sure that monies are being allocated to the right areas. The New Model of Care, as well as general ask for approval on investments.

Sharon- Sharon has been contributing to the workforce data group. The strategy is still NHS data. Sharon is happy to share the strategy if anyone is interested.

They are looking at anti racism in the workforce- Roger Cline who wrote the paper “Snowy White Peaks” is being consulted.

Sharon is happy to say the enabler groups have been reduced from 8 to 3.

Andrea mentioned the Health Economics workshop that was due to be held in November but the date has had to be changed – Andrea will keep the group in the loop on this.


The ask/ offer for VSN organisations to be involved in some mentoring has only seen 2 organisations sign up for this. Please have a think if you could be interested.

ACTION Debbie to resend the info.

There is going to be a Cambridge Poverty conference and 11 commissioners are on board – this includes Tracey for DISH who reported their first meeting had taken place.

DISH have also launched some animations around what they do. They are also holding some awareness sessions in Jan, Feb,March

The next Health and Wellbeing Network meeting is on 7th November  “Support in Difficult times” there will be speaker from Anglia Water, HEAT partnership and Peterborough CAB. To book a place see below (on line)


The next Showcase event will be 20th November online

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