Voluntary Sector Network meeting notes – 11 December 2024

December 11th Hartford Village Hall

The ICS Outcomes Framework

Matthew Smith from Integrated Care Board gave a presentation on the Outcomes Framework.

A discussion took place after the presentation. Matthew explained that the data information is open to the public on Cambridgeshire Insights and there is a video being produced that will explain the framework.

A question was asked info from Voluntary Sector data would be included because at present organisations are unsure where their feedback on monitoring forms is collected or if it is used.

The aim is to include as much data as possible so hopefully this will include VCSE data where appropriate.

It was felt that this could be a useful resource for all but people need to know more about it.

ACTION to share presentation with whole VSN.

ACTION Highlight the outcomes framework with VSN members and that this should be referenced in ICB grants and contracts.

ACTION to run some familiarisation sessions with VSN members on the framework and share all explanatory resources as they are developed.

Karen Nolan- Head of social impact for Assura

Karen gave an overview of Assura and explained that they like to look at the bigger picture when framing their strategy. This includes Healthy Environment, Healthy Community and Healthy Business.

Karen talked about Assura’s Community Fund. She explained that £500k a year has been put into the fund and that 95% is allocated as small grants to grassroot organisations.

As the VSN are aware we had already received monies from a first round of grants topped up by the ICB and have been able to enable several organisations to run very local based activities where there has been a need.

Assura projects

Three of the previously successful Assura grant recipients gave presentations on their work and what the grants had helped them do.

Safe Soulmates

Sew Positive

Cornerstone Cares

Sandie thanked them for giving us the time and showing what can be achieved.

ACTION to share the presentations

 Updates– Sandie Smith and Andrea Grobois

The Assura/ ICB round 2 grants will be open for expressions of interest before Christmas. This will be sent out via Debbie.

Applications have been received for the vacant rep roles and there will be news on this shortly.

The reviewed strategy and action plan are being considered by the ICB Commissioning, Investment, Reform Committee later this week. Thanks to Miriam for presenting this on our behalf. Ahead of this very positive feedback has been received from the ICB Exec Team. We are on track to launch at our January meeting.

Andrea highlighted that the WorkWell programme is now open.

The WorkWell hubs, are now open to referrals across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, and Royston, offering free and dedicated support to people who are struggling to find or keep a job due to physical and/or mental health challenges.

People can apply for support themselves or can be supported by someone with their referral, by completing a short form online or over the phone. More details are available on WorkWell website: WorkWell

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