VCSE Health Alliance – Update Bulletin – September 2023

September 2023

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough VCSE Health Alliance Bulletin 


Focus on workforce 

Every health and care organisation is struggling to find and keep workforce. The VCSE sector is no exception to this. The CEO Network has had many discussions on this topic and now, at its September meeting, the Health Alliance will be exploring how we can help organisations with these challenges. 

Sharon Allen, CEO at Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, is the Health Alliance rep on the ICB People’s Board and has been doing a great job working to get the voluntary sector voice heard in all things workforce. Sharon will introduce the session at the September meeting and we hope to have ICB experts coming along to aid discussions.     

Please do come along and share your thoughts, ideas and concerns. From 2pm to 4pm at The Hub, Cambourne. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Extending our reach 

We are always wanting new members and are working hard to extend the reach of the Health Alliance. We have looked at our current membership and would more representation amongst small community groups, faith groups and groups working in East Cambridgeshire. Groups and organisations specifically working with excluded communities are particularly welcome to help us build greater diversity. 

Building a collaborative network 

How often have you received information about a source of funding that has a ridiculously short turnaround time? To help the sector prepare for these opportunities, we will soon be circulating a project development form and asking for you to tell us about your proposal. We’ll make sure the form works for large and small organisations and ask for proposals that will encourage partnership and collaboration.  

Progress on developing our brand 

Work has started on gathering your views and ideas about our Health Alliance partnership and what it means to you. You will shortly be receiving a survey from PCVS asking for your feedback and how well you think we convey our vision and purpose. Please do take a few minutes to complete this; the findings will help the steering group develop the next stage. 

We are looking for people to join the steering group for this very exciting piece of work. If you are interested please email Sandie. There’ll also be an opportunity to ask questions at the September Health Alliance meeting.

Safeguarding update 

With thanks to the Local Safeguarding Board who are now supporting our work to develop guidance and policies. Also, thanks to Sallyann at Hunts Forum for taking this forward. We’ll make sure that the guidance is easy to follow and works for all of our VCSE partners. We’re keen to get more organisations to commit to supporting our Health Alliance safeguarding policy statement. Email Sandie if you would like to know more. 

Mental health community workers – Health and wellbeing network event   

The next Health and Wellbeing Network meeting is on 5th September online from 11am to 12pm. Claire Layton will be joining the meeting to tell us how the Mental Health Community Connectors are helping within their communities and what their role entails. Book your place here 

Our meetings  

Here are the dates of our future meetings, please do put them in your diary. We have tried to get a mix of times, locations and formats to help as many people as possible get involved. The September meeting will have a workforce focus and after that we are alternating themes with general Health Alliance business. If you would like to suggest a theme please contact 

  • 13th September 2-4 Focus on workforce    –  Cambourne Hub 
  • 18th October 9.30-11.30 Health Alliance business    –   Zoom 
  • 6th December 1-3pm Theme to confirm    –   Zoom 
  • 17th January 1-3 Health Alliance business   –  March Library 
  • 28th February 9.30-11.30 Theme to confirm  –   Zoom 
  • 17th April 1-3 Health Alliance business  –  Peterborough  
  • 22nd May 10-12 Theme to confirm  –  St Ives Corn Exchange 

More members please! 

And lastly, please do pass this newsletter onto your team and other groups and organisations who may not yet be Health Alliance members. Anyone wishing to join should email Debbie 


See here for more information about the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Health Alliance. Please note: We’re revamping our webpage to bring it up to date with current projects and resources. As ever, please do let us have your feedback.   

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