VCSE Health Alliance – Update Bulletin – August 2023

August 2023

Getting our voices heard

The funding we have received for representation offers an opportunity for Health Alliance reps to join several of the Integrated Care System decision-making committees. Reports from these reps are on the Health Alliance webpage (see link at the end).

We are also writing guidance so we can all be clear about what are the expectations around representation and how we support better engagement and listing who is doing what. We’ll let you know when this is available. It will be reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Please contact Debbie if you are interested in taking on a rep role. Training is available to help upskill people. We are always looking at ways to expand the funding and so offer more reimbursed opportunities.

Using voluntary sector data

Our sector gathers and processes an enormous amount of data about our services and the people we work with. Over the past months Cambridge CAB have been leading a piece of work to see how this data can contribute to Integrated Care Board (ICB) data at a local level. Initially, focused on an area of Cambridge, what we learn about the different types of data and how to combine and analyse will help us replicate in other areas. Jeremy Lane, Associate Director of Business Intelligence at the ICB said:

 ‘The more we know about local people and their needs, the better we can design services and make a difference. It’s vital therefore that we work closely with all our ICS partners across health, local authority and VCSE organisations to share and explore data together to build a clearer picture and improve care.’

The Hewitt Review

Published in April this year, The Hewitt Review, looked at how Integrated Care Systems are working and sets out recommendations for the next stage. Thinktank, Carnall Farrar have summarised the findings on this visual. Over the coming months we will be looking at the recommendations and how these read across to current plans. We will be circulating our conclusions and inviting ideas and discussion.

Keeping people safe

With thanks to everyone who has signed up so far to the Health Alliance Safeguarding Statement. Colleagues at Hunts Forum are now starting to develop a set of policies and guidance. After that we’ll be compiling training resources and opportunities for further advice and support. Email Sandie if you would like to commit to supporting the statement

Health Alliance branding

We are delighted to have received some ICB funding to develop a clear brand for the Health Alliance. Peterborough CVS are leading this piece of work and will ensure that the views of the sector are taken into account. Christina Alexander, PCVS CEO, said:

‘We’re very excited to be part of the Health Alliance representing Peterborough and Cambridgeshire and look forward to working with our VCS partners to develop a clear and recognisable identity for the group’

We are looking for groups to join the steering group for this work. If you are interested please email Kalai at PCVS

Our meetings

Here are the dates of our future meetings, please do put them in your diary. We have tried to get a mix of times, locations and formats to help as many people as possible get involved. The September meeting will have a workforce focus.

  • 13th September 2-4 Cambourne Hub
  • 18th October 9.30-11.30 Zoom
  • 6th December 1-3pm Zoom
  • 17th January 1-3 March Library
  • 28th February 9.30-11.30 Zoom
  • 17th April 1-3 Peterborough (venue TBC)
  • 22nd May 10-12 St Ives Corn exchange
More members please And lastly, please do pass this newsletter onto your team and other groups and organisations who may not yet be Health Alliance members. Anyone wishing to join should email Debbie    See here for more information about the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Health Alliance

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