VCS Rep Report : ICS Local People Board 13 Jan 2023
Meeting attended: Local People Board
VCS Representatives: Sharon Allen
Date of meeting: 13/01/2023
Summary of agenda items / key themes discussed:
Board Assurance Framework (BAF)
Recommendations from the Leadership and Culture Exercise
Priority 3 – Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
BAF will be updated and go through committee cycle (this LPB meeting was rescheduled from December so we are out of sync, ICB met the morning that LPB was in the afternoon). A new risk has been added focused on recruitment and retention (R&R) . It was agreed to recommend to the board that this risk should be re-rated to red due to the pressures across the whole system.
In her introductory remarks, the chair acknowledged that much of the focus of the Board is still very NHS. She plans to speak with Local Authority colleagues and with me as the voluntary sector rep, we have a date set for an initial conversation.
There was an update on R&R: there is a sub-group focusing specifically on R&R (see separate update from this group which I also attend). Much of this is also NHS focused, eg looking at support for training for international recruits, concerns about accommodation provision for international recruits (although the cost of living crisis has meant this is now seen as a wider workforce issue). There is a new programme being funded on Legacy practitioner roles, experienced colleagues who may no longer wish to work in service providing roles but have lots of experience to support less experienced colleagues. Another new project is making use of Reservists, There is a further joint recruitment fair aimed at recruiting Healthcare Support Workers and ongoing discussion about data collection and analysis,
Oonagh Monkhouse is Director or Workforce at Royal Papworth Hospital and leads the system EDI group (Gemma Manning, Director of People and Operations at Arthur Rank Hospice Charity represents our sector on this group). The groups activity thus far has focused on anti-racism because racism is the biggest issue of concern identified from the NHS staff survey. The issue of data and lack of consistently available data across the system was raised again (the NHS has the Workforce Race Equality Standard – WRES, Workforce Disability Equality Standard – WDES and it’s staff survey) the Local Authority and VCSE do not have anything comparable (although I shared that Skills for Care and Local Government Association have been working to develop and social care workforce race equality standard, I am meeting with colleagues from Skills for Care to find out what the latest position on this is and whether this might a tool the voluntary sector can also use as we found the WRES not transferrable)
The East of England NHS has developed an anti racism strategy that our system has signed up to. The three priorities are: leadership and management, talent and career progression and tackling racist abuse toward colleagues from patients and the public.
North West Anglia Foundation Trust is piloting a Fair Recruitment Practice approach which will set minimum standards, this is in early days and we will receive a fuller report in due course.
A proposal to sponsor a new programme, Above Difference, which will support the development of a cultural intelligence framework to support leaders and staff to become more culturally aware through the use of personal analysis andeconomic modelling was approved. It was explicitly stated that this is aimed at leaders from across the whole system and applications from voluntary sector organisations will be welcomed.
We had an update from the Leadership & culture strategic session at the previous Local People Board. Anita Pisani who chairs the Leadership and OD sub-group reported back on a number of programmes and plans for programmes in the coming year. Anita is going to speak with me about opportunities for our sector to participate.
Implications for the VCS
How can the data project that Healthwatch and CAB have undertaken contribute to this wider EDI work?
Sorry for being a broken record on this – how do we ensure that voluntary sector workforce data and therefore recruitment and retention challenges are part of the system picture?
Ensure that recruitment and retention issues are reported back so that our issues and any solutions we have identified are part of the system response.
We should try and ensure we have good representation on the Above Difference programme once this is launched.
No specific actions from this meeting.
Date, time and venue of next meeting and name of the representative who will be attending
Friday 24th February, 13.30 (via Teams), Sharon will be attending