VCS Rep Report : Improvement and Reform Committee IRC) – April 2023

Title of Group Improvement & Reform Committee (IRC)
Date 21/04/2023 Reps names Michael Firek
Summary of agenda items / key themes discussed

–       Board Assurance Framework (BAF)

–       Draft ICS Digital Strategy

–       Reports from feeder groups

Planned Care Board

Unplanned Care Board

System Strategy & Planning Group

Quality Improvement & Transformation Group (previously Transformation Hub)

Diagnostics Board


Implications for the VCS


Draft ICS Digital Strategy – attached (Presentation pages 16 – 34, Strategy pages 35 – 66).

–       The strategy was presented by Hadleigh Stoller from Healthcare Innovation Consortium.

–       MF asked, How will the VCSE be able to contribute in this area? Governance put in place, access to systems, training, voice and input into DEG or other key delivery / strategic groups?

–       The digital engagement to date is probably contribution to the Joy app and some specific work / services that are using SystmOne. Is this something that we can escalate or scale up? To be an effective system partner we would need to ensure we are or can be integrated.

–       Dorothy Gregson advised that the NHS App is central to digital inclusion. Patients can opt / choose to share their information with VCSE through this. Are our services doing this? Should we be doing this and supporting other VCSE to do so? I’m not sure what this looks like.

–       The following news article was shared by Hadleigh after the meeting –


–       Hadleigh shared his email address and invited MF to arrange a call to discuss whether there is a need to invite VCSE to contribute into the DEG.

Date, time and venue of next meeting and name of representative who will be attending

Friday 16th June 2023 – 9.00 – 10.45. MS Teams.


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