VCS Rep Report : ICS Supply, Information and Planning (SIP) – April 2023
Title of Group | Supply, Information and Planning (SIP)
This is the group that the R&R sub-group reports into and SIP reports to Local People Board |
Date 19 April 2023 | Reps name Sharon Allen, Arthur Rank Hospice Charity | |
Summary of agenda items / key themes discussed
Action and Decision Log: AHP (Allied Health Professionals) Faculty funding ends May, will limit capacity for contribution. Carol Anderson taken action to talk to ICB, looking at alternative solutions ie releasing colleagues to rotate chair. Sally Drake raised point that this approach excludes LA and vol sec as we don’t have leads in this way. Risk Log: There is a major piece of work ongoing around supply of affordable accommodation for colleagues working in care and health. This started as an issue recognised in relation to international recruits but has widened to all parts of the system. Update from Working Groups: Recruitment and Retention: see separate update report. Legacy practitioner – applicable for vol sec, (ARHC already expressed interest), Pastoral support, will share information and access with sector. Workforce Planning: the importance of the data issue discussed in previous feedback reports is exemplified here, the data available (which does not include our sector yet) is used to inform the Joint Forward Plan which all colleagues should read and comment on. Ade Tams new Deputy Chief People Officer has experience from a previous role of capturing voluntary sector data so I’m having a discussion with him about this. Rebecca Tuten who is leading on the work is keen to engage and attend a meeting of the Health Alliance. Education and Development: 10 July hold the date for Innovations and Education, Health and Care Workforce, more details to follow. ARU Destination report, a fuller discussion will happen at the next meeting, ARU has provided a report on where graduates go on completion of their studies as there is concern that our system is not fully benefitting from the investment. |