VCS Rep Report : ICS Supply, Information and Planning Group (sub-group of Local People Board)

Meeting attended: Supply, Information and Planning Group

VCS Representatives: Sharon Allen, Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

Date of meeting:  23/01/2023

Summary of agenda items / key themes discussed:

Review action plan/KPIs

Legacy Nursing

Joint recruitment


Accommodation update

Return to practice/legacy nursing

The following are proposed from the Local People Board as the objectives for the R&R group to focus on:

  1. C&P ICS to have a dedicated OSCE (objective structured clinical examination), centre for preparation and support (this is related to recruitment of international nurses) – it is not going to happen because the Nursing and Midwifery Council does not consider it necessary to establish a further centre. The group has clarified that what is required is the availability of training, education and assessment for these colleagues.
  2. Reduce vacancy rate for HCSW (healthcare support workers) across the ICS
  3. Develop one clear, supportive and affordable accommodation process for IRNs (international registered nurses) within C&P
  4. Determine professions / areas of greatest clinical risk (from workforce pressures) and focus retention efforts there
  5. Develop career pathways and related marketing campaigns for target audiences
  6. Develop an ethical recruitment policy
  7. Alleviate cost of living crisis

As you can see, it is very NHS/clinically focused

The system has received funding from Health Education England to set up the Legacy Nurse programme. Colleagues have looked at BLMK (Bedford, Milton Keynes and Luton) and Norfolk & Waveney ICS’ to see what they’re doing. These are experienced colleagues who may be considering or have retired or be returning from maternity leave or long term ill health who no longer wish to or are able to work in direct service provision, but have a wealth of skills and experience to support less experienced colleagues through for example, training, mentoring etc. The system is looking for host organisations for these practitioners. CPFT already has this role so anyone interested could talk to Rachel King there.

Two joint recruitment fairs for employers looking for healthcare support workers have been organised. ARHC commented on the promotional material to make it more inclusive of voluntary sector and local authority. We are taking part in these. A recruitment bus is planned for March.

A further new project focused on utilising the skills of reservists has been set up with Hayley Stock employed as the ICB lead. This is another national initiative and our system is partnering with Norfolk and Waveney. The focus for our system is primary care working through Primary Care Networks. The project is also looking to see if there are reservists with Occupational Health experience to help with capacity in this area.

The accommodation project has lots of activity going on and a workshop taking place in February (we are not able to attend this so if another voluntary sector colleague wishes to represent our sector please let me know and I can send details). This project started due to concerns about international nurse recruits being unable to afford accommodation in Cambridge, it has now broadened to recognise that many working in care and health struggle with affordable accommodation. They are considering conducting a housing needs survey.

A further new post focusing on digital inclusion targeting 16 – 19 year olds and linked to apprenticeships will be starting in March.

Implications for the VCS

Any colleagues wanting to be involved in future recruitment fairs please get in touch (these are specifically for health and care support workers)


None from the meeting

Date, time and venue of next meeting and name of the representative who will be attending

Monday 20th February 2023 – 13.30 – MS Teams. Sharon attending

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