VCS Rep Report : C&P ICB Commissioning & Investment 16/11/22

Meeting attended: C&P ICB Commissioning & Investment Committee

VCS Representatives: Miriam Martin

Date of meeting: 16/11/2022

Summary of agenda items / key themes discussed:

  1. ICB board assurance framework was presented.  The framework details all the risks the ICB is managing currently.
  2. Hinchingbrooke hospital development – The proposal will come back to committee in February at the earliest. There is time as funding would be for 2025/26.
  3. Proposal for a new East of England Children’s hospital. This is the only region without access to a specialist hospital for children and young people. The proposal was unanimously supported, with plans to build it adjacent to the Rosie in Cambridge. The committee agreed that the ICB should write a letter of support. Capital costs around £409m with £100m being fundraised for (75% already underwritten). Issues to resolve include: needing to secure over £180m, it will require more staff and needing to be used as a regional asset across Cambs and Peterborough to reduce health inequalities.
  4. Homelessness and rough sleepers project – awarded funding to continue. Peterborough highest homelessness rate in England with life expectancy 30 years less than the general population. Funding includes GP support, 50% mobile bus running costs which will be delivered in May. It was agreed that this was only short term solution as the need is urgent. A more strategic approach needed going forward.
  5. Adult discharge fund – a number of projects under this banner were proposed for funding to make use of the additional winter funding announced by government. Funding supports discharge from hospital and adult social care. The proposals were supported but needed final sign off by the health and wellbeing board

Implications for the VCS

  • More pressures on workforce in the year’s ahead with the build of another new hospital.


  • None

Date, time and venue of next meeting and name of the representative who will be attending

7th February 11am – 1pm.  Miriam Martin expects to attend


Ged Curran                         –          Chair

Nicci Briggs                          –           CFO ICB

Martin Wheelhan               –           Representative of the chief of staff

Simon Barlow                      –           Representative of the chief of staff

Dr Gary Howsam               –           ICB Chief clinical improvement officer

Dr Fiona Head                    –           ICB Medical director

Louis Kamfer                        –           ICB Managing director strategic                                              commissioning

Dr Simon Hambling           –           ICB Primary medical services

Ellie Addison                        –           Healthwatch

Wanda Kerr                         –           Assistant director special projects

Sarah Hughes                     –           NEM ICB

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