The Voluntary Sector Network meeting notes – January 15 2025

January 15th March Library- Chaired by Sandie Smith

The meeting was well attended and a general round of introductions was done as there were some new faces around the table.

Sandie went through the action log which had all been completed all bar action 114 on awareness of the Outcome Framework which is hand.

Programme Director Update

The Assura/ICB grant is now out for expressions of interest and there has been a lot of interest. EOI need to be in by 26th January.

A couple of attendees have had problems contacting their respective Integrated Neighbourhood Managers and were worried that they would not get a response before the closing date.

ACTION Andrea agreed to feed this back to the team.

New Reps- Three new reps have been appointed. Fiona (Craft4 smiles) Emma (Steelbone) and Faustina (Chinese Community group). They will be supported by the current reps on committees.

Shared Care Record- This was raised by a Strategic Group (previously steering group) member so Sandie has spoken with the ICB Programme Lead. There seems to be a fair bit of interest from VSN members so it was thought it could be a topic for the Health and Wellbeing Network.

ACTION- Sandie to share details with Debbie- Debbie to arrange a H&W session for 11th February.

Strategy Action Plan- Sandie and Andrea have been “road showing” the action plan at various meetings across the ICB. The ICB board meeting last Friday was the last and it was received well.

Andrea is now trying to secure funding going forward and is looking for 3 year funding to enable the VSN to have more stability. The ICB funding process is slow but it is hoped that the VSN would know the outcome Mid March.

Sharon thanked Andrea for her support on this.

A discussion took place as to how to cascade the enthusiasm to operational level. It was agreed that progress on the Action Plan would be overseen by the Strategy Group and reported to VSN meetings twice-yearly.

ACTION Sandie to highlight the Action Plan in the VSN news bulletin and ask members to feedback any actions that they are contributing to.

Seat on Integrated Care Board- Sandie has previously written to the ICB and requested a seat for the Voluntary Sector. In theory this has been approved. There is an invite to attend the public meetings and the Strategic Group will ensure someone from there will attend the next public meeting.

Above Difference-Sharon and Miriam

Sharon and Miriam gave an excellent presentation which summarized the Above Difference training that they completed. Slides were included with the agenda pack but if they are wanted separately contact Debbie.

This subject gave lots of discussion and the group were able to discus idea of how this can be progressed and learning embedded.

This maybe revisited again at a future VSN meeting.

Miriam mentioned a video. The link was shared post meeting.

Doll test – The effects of racism on children (ENG)

ICB Update

Andrea reminded the meeting that the WorkWell programme was up and running for each area- this is funded by DWP and its aim is to enable people back into work or help them remain in work.

ACTION to reshare link and details WorkWell webpage

Anglia Ruskin are doing some work around Volunteering. There are three bits to this. Volunteering, Research into health benefits from volunteering, and how best to support employers.

Staff health and wellbeing hub

The ICB has launched a free health and wellbeing hub for all health and care staff working in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, including Royston. It is open to all voluntary and community organisations to use too and provides signposting to support and offers locally.

To support further development of the hub, please let us know if there are other services available locally not currently listed on the website, and what support you would like to see from the site in future – whether that’s providing materials that people can adapt and use, training offers or educational pieces.
Please send any suggestions to Bev Hoskin


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