The new VCSE Health Alliance Group launched in August 2022
As part of the government and NHS England’s requirement to help the VCSE and ICS engage and work more closely together, a new-tier system was created to allow all voluntary sector organisations to engage successfully within the different levels of the ICS & health system.
The newly launched VCSE Health Alliance (which is just one part of the agreed system in which VCSE will engage with the ICS) is responsible for creating a platform to allow information and representation from grass root charitable and non-profit organisations and provide an access route to ICS leadership within the multiple Boards of the ICS.
In particular, the VCSE Health Alliance will look to achieve its vision of being a vibrant and thriving VCSE within the ICS that drives health and wellbeing in our communities in an inclusive and empowering way. The key goals aim to:
- Support and enable a thriving VCSE sector to play its part.
- Place the VCSE as an equal partner within the system.
- Work to drive change, create a tangible impact on people and communities, and tackle health inequalities.
- Build strong, inclusive, and empowering relationships throughout the partnership.
Both the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which outlined how we will co-operate to facilitate the strategic aims of the ICS, and the VCSE Strategy, which outlined in more detail the goals and ambitions and indicators of success, have both now been agreed upon. They have been submitted to the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and are just waiting for the rubber stamp of approval.
The first meeting of the VCSE Health Alliance was held on 10th August 2022. It was chaired by Julie Farrow, CEO of Hunts Forum, with the underlining topic covering workforce strategies. Other key topics covered include:
- The VCSE Strategy and MoU
- The Role of the sector
- Ensuring a ‘diverse’ voice at the table
- How will the VCSE and health sector communicate?
- Local People Board – anti-racism strategy, health & safety wellbeing group
- Leadership & OD Group – leadership and learning opportunities, including leading beyond boundaries initiative.
- Recruitment campaign – the dedicated website for job vacancies
- Apprenticeship levy – maximising the levy
- Staff Support Hub – workshops and webinars for struggling staff
If you missed the first session, you can watch it below.
The slides can be found here: CLICK HERE
Want to know more
If you would like to get more involved in supporting and attending the VCSE Health Alliance group sessions, please get in touch by emailing to receive the dates of all the scheduled meetings.