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State of the Sector 2022 Report

Support Cambridgeshire, the partnership between Cambridge CVS and Hunts Forum of Voluntary Services, is launching its latest annual State of the Sector report. This yearly survey informed infrastructure organisations such as Support Cambridgeshire, local authorities, funders and others of the challenges, trends and patterns taking place across the voluntary sector in Cambridgeshire.

Due to the pandemic, the survey had been put on hold for a year while the sector adjusted and reacted to its environment. However, two years later, the Support Cambridgeshire team felt it was vital to take a snapshot of how the organisations responded and reacted to the pandemic and if initial fears around the impact were valid, and therefore ‘Coming up for air’ was compiled.

The reports look at the impacts of the pandemic on the sector, focusing on the issues, barriers and support that those groups will need to move forward and continue to support the communities they serve.

Some of the highlights include;

  • Generally, groups weather the storm pretty well
  • There are concerns around social isolation, increased services, and the division and inequality in society.
  • Funding continues to be a concern and issue for all groups
  • The way groups want support is changing, and digital is here to stay

If you would like to read the report, click the link below.


Blue background with bubbles with writing on it state of the sector 2022 click here to read it