Signposting for groups who aid current refugees & asylum seekers
Over the past few years, refugees and asylum seekers have come into Cambridgeshire from many countries, including Afganstrain and Ukraine. A number of support systems are already in place through charities, community groups and local government.
CVS Support
Hunts Forum and CCVS are here to support groups looking for suitable funding and advice to develop current services or new ones to support those coming into Cambridgeshire. So please contact, and we will forward you to the suitable CVS for your district.
Local Council Resources
Cambridgeshire County Council has information regarding Asylum Seekers and Refugees.
All councils have developed their own support services to support those from Ukraine.
- Cambridge City Council have information on their website
- South Cambridgeshire District Council have information on their website
- Fenland District Council have information available on their website
- Huntingdonshire District Council have information available on their website
- East Cambridgeshire District Council have information on their website
Charity Sector Support
A number of local groups and charities are set up to support refugees and those currently within host families. CCVS is keeping their website pages updated with these.
Other services, such as How Are You (H.A.Y.) Cambridgeshire & Peterborough have collated activities and other information.
HAY Cambridgeshire and Peterborough