Tag Archive for: survey

How do you want to access healthcare online

NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough want to better support local people by giving them greater digital or online access to healthcare information, options, and services.

We are at the early stages of creating a digital/ online solution that is accessible and easy to use. Something that would offer you personalised support to get the healthcare you need, when you need it.

You will still be able to access care through traditional means (in person and over the phone) and we are keen that any digital solution helps enhance your health service experience.

Please help us understand what works well for you now and what would improve your experience. Your feedback will help shape how we improve digital access to healthcare in the future.

Share your views at https://www.healthwatchcambridgeshire.co.uk/form/improving-digital-access-to-heal  by Friday 13 December 2024.

Police and Crime Commissioner – Police and Crime Plan Survey

Police and Crime Commissioner, Darryl Preston has launched a widespread public consultation on policing and crime in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

The consultation has been launched to help inform the content of a new Police and Crime Plan for the county. Following conversations with members of the public, several priority areas have emerged which can be captured within the five broad themes included in the graphic below:


The partnership working is key to the successful delivery of strategic policing and crime priorities therefore they would also be grateful if you, or a member of your organisation could respond with views against each of the questions – your feedback is very important to them and will help contribute to the final plan content.  

The survey runs from noon on 15th July 2024 until 17:00 on Friday 16th August.   

Click here to carry out the survey


They are happy to receive this feedback via email if helpful and they would also be happy to organise a brief Teams meeting if helpful.  

Alternatively, you or a member of your team can visit and complete the survey online, telephone the Commissioner’s office on 0300 333 3456 or email cambs-pcc@cambs.police.uk to provide your views.

Cambridgeshire Fire & Rescue want to hear from voluntary and community groups.

The Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service is presently working on its strategic plan for the next five years. To ensure that they incorporate the views of the local community, they are kindly requesting your input. You can contribute by filling out a brief survey accessible on there website . In addition, by completing the survey, you will have the opportunity to participate in a prize draw.


Fill in the survey here


Adult Education Budget Consultation 2021-22


You still have time to have your say on improvements to Adult Education in our live consultation. If you have already taken part, thank you and if not, we would be delighted if you could share your views via consultation survey by 10am on March 15.


The Consultation


We are keen that local residents, businesses, colleges and other stakeholders get to share their views on how we best use the Adult Education Budget. We have launched a consultation on additional policy changes, which follows the consultation we launched at a similar time last year.

Proposed changes are outlined within the following consultation questions, and we welcome any feedback from our providers, stakeholders, and local residents to inform our thinking as we continue to reform and shape the delivery of AEB in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Responses from this consultation will be used to support the ongoing development of our long-term vision for skills, the AEB funding rules and and the new Economic Growth and Skills Strategy which is due to be published early this year.  You have until 15th March 2022 to send us your feedback. We look forward to hearing from you.


Thank you

Parminder Singh Garcha, Senior Responsible Officer, Adult Education Budget.


Fill in the survey here

Follow on consultation for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children and Young People’s Mental Health Strategy

We received the below information regarding some events happening around Planning Events on the new Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children and Young People’s Mental Health Strategy.

Please find attached (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children and Young People’s Mental Health Strategy Planning Events Info)and below the booking links for the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Children and Young People’s Mental Health Strategy Planning Events taking place in January 2022. Please note that these events are now ONLINE events and not face to face events.


Existing ticket holders: If you have previously booked onto one of the events, you do not need to do anything. You will be sent a link to attend the online session which replaces the face to face event (times and dates will remain the same)

If you have not booked: Please secure your place at one of the online events using the booking links below or attached within the flyer.


Get involved in planning mental health services for children and young people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

There will be a new Children and Young People’s mental health strategy for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough from April 2022. This will be a plan which tells us how services and projects will help children and young people aged 0 to 25 who have mental health problems. The strategy will be owned and shared by the Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Board as part of the wider mental health system.

An organisation called taproot is running discussion events to engage local people with deciding the priorities of the strategy. The events are open to professionals, service leads, parents/carers and young people (as long as they are appropriately supported to take part by an accompanying adult). Attendees will be sent relevant information before they come. To book tickets, follow the booking links in the table below.


Date  Location  Time  Booking link 
12th January 2022  ONLINE

Via Zoom

6:30pm to 9pm Book tickets
13th January 2022  ONLINE

Via Zoom

4:00pm to 7pm Book tickets
17th January 2022  ONLINE

Via Zoom

1:30pm to 4:30pm Book tickets
19th January 2022  ONLINE

Via Zoom

1:30pm to 4:30pm Book tickets
20th January 2022  ONLINE

Via Zoom

1:30pm to 4:30pm Book tickets

If you have any questions about the events, or about the strategy process, please contact ben@taproot.org.uk

Help Shape the Future of Huntingdonshire’s Green Spaces

Parks, play areas and open spaces are important parts of our community. They are places we can enjoy, where we can relax and have fun. They are also spaces that can help improve our health and well-being. Huntingdonshire District Council is developing a Healthy Open Spaces and Play Strategy which will protect and enhance these spaces for the benefit of the community.

Everyone who lives or works in Huntingdonshire is invited to let the District Council know what they think about parks, open spaces and play areas, whether the use them or not. If you have a few minutes please complete a survey at www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/parksurvey. If you’d prefer a hard copy please contact Sarah on 01952 433211 or email her at research@pleydellsmithyman.co.uk

You have until Friday 4 October to complete the questionnaire.