Tag Archive for: support young people

Neighbourhood Planning Grant / Locality/ Deadline tbc

The Neighbourhood Planning Support Programme

MHCLG have extended the support for a seventh year (2024/2025). The Neighbourhood Planning Support Programme will continue to offer grants and Technical Support packages.

What is available?

The programme provides grant and Technical Support to eligible groups.

Grant support

All groups undertaking a neighbourhood plan or neighbourhood development order (NDO) are eligible to apply for up to £10,000 in Basic Grant. Grants can be used for a range of activities to support the plan or order-making process.

Additional Grant
If your group is facing more complex issues, you may be eligible for an Additional Grant of £8,000 (in addition to the £10,000 Basic Grant). This Additional Grant is available to
groups if any one of the following is met:

• Allocating sites for housing in your neighbourhood plan
• Proposing to include design codes in your neighbourhood plan
• All groups writing a business led neighbourhood plan
• All groups preparing a plan for a cluster of three or more parish councils
• Neighbourhood plans for areas which have a population of over 25,000 people
• Designated neighbourhood forums
• Groups based in areas which have a high level of deprivation (where 30% or
more of the neighbourhood area or population is in the 20% most deprived areas
in England according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation).

If you meet the eligibility criteria above, you can apply for this additional £8,000, giving a total amount that can be applied for of £18,000.


Technical Support

Groups facing more complex issues may be eligible for packages of Technical Support.

Technical Support is awarded as a technical work package and is in addition and separate to the grant. It has no relation to how much grant you are eligible for and can be awarded to you at the same time. It is delivered free of charge to groups who qualify by meeting the eligibility criteria listed below.

Technical Support is available to groups in any of the following circumstances:

• Allocating sites for housing in your neighbourhood plan
• Proposing to include design codes in your neighbourhood plan
• Preparing a neighbourhood development order
• An undesignated forum needing help to get designated (this unlocks the ‘Setting up a Neighbourhood Planning Group (in unparished areas)’ package of support only. To be eligible for the other packages of support your forum will need to be designated).
• Designated neighbourhood forums Groups based in areas which have a high level of deprivation (where 30% or more of the neighbourhood area or population is in the 20% most deprived areas in England according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation).
• The programme also offers ‘Forum Development’ support specifically for groups who are setting up a neighbourhood planning group in an unparished area.

How to apply

To find out more and apply please visit: Home – Locality Neighbourhood Planning

Young People’s Programme / The Allan Lane Foundation/ Apply anytime

The Allan Lane Foundation

Funding to Support Disadvantaged Young People (UK – excl Greater London)


What is available?

The Allan Lane Foundation is offering grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 to charities and not-for-profit organisations working with young people aged 12-21 who are socially excluded or marginalised, and who may have experienced significant issues within their lives.

The grants can be used to support a range of activities, including core costs, project work, and capital expenditure.

The Foundation is particularly interested in supporting organisations that focus their work on:

• Young people within the criminal justice system or those at risk of offending

• Looked after children or care leavers

• Those with significant mental health concerns or complex needs

• Young people who have been traumatised by challenging family backgrounds, neglect, violence or abuse

• Those that have fallen through the gaps in care and/or education

• Those already affected by, or vulnerable to, exploitation

• Whose experiences could seriously impact their transition into adulthood


Who can apply?

To maximise the impact of its grants, the Foundation will only fund smaller organisations. Organisations that work across a local area, such as a village, estate, or town, must have an annual income of less than £100,000 to be eligible. Organisations that work across the entire UK must have an annual income of less than £250,000 to be eligible.


A small number of grants have already been awarded to work with young people, including funding for a crisis drop-in for young people who have been sexually abused in Dundee; a young parents project in Bolton; funding for a youth worker to support teenagers with autism in Northern Ireland; a drama and arts project aimed at young people with a history of offending in Jaywick, Essex.


How to apply

Applications can be submitted at any time.

The next meeting an application could be considered at is in October 2024.

To find out more and apply please visit: Young People’s Programme – The Allen Lane Foundation