Voluntary Sector Network Meeting – 11th September 2024
Sandie welcomed everyone and then shared the Action Log.
All actions are complete but the opportunity to hold a ReSpect workshop for those who are interested is still available from Sharon– please could you let Debbie or Sharon Allen know if you would be interested.
EDI Workshops
Danny Karystinos shared a presentation with the group around EDI and recruitment and talked about the changes that can be made to really be inclusive and not just a “Tick Box”. Danny said that the Voluntary Sector could come along to sessions arranged BUT was happy to put one on specifically for the VSN. These would need to be in October as Danny’s post is ending in November.
ACTION – to share slides post meeting (Debbie)
ACTION – to arrange with Danny some workshop dates (Debbie)
Healthier Futures Fund Feedback- Andrea
Andrea shared slides with the group outlining the information from the Healthier Futures Fund and the Feedback from the survey.
There had been a lot of interest from the Voluntary Sector and 21 projects being funded. This was 3 years of funding of between £50- £300k.
They received 29 responses to the survey which aimed to find out people’s experience of applying and barrier to application. Andrea thanked the sector for their patience in the constantly evolving process and said that the ICB had learnt lessons from this.
A couple of the things highlighted were the difficulty in smaller organisations applying (ie the grant value was not a good fit for small groups and they don’t have capacity to complete the application process)
The Real Living Wage and the need for accreditation has been discussed at the VSN Steering group. For small organisations this could have been a barrier event
though the sector aspires to paying well. The use of accredited contractors felt restrictive too.
Andrea will be taking the survey feedback to the Aligning Support Steering Group on the 23rd so would like any other feedback before then.
ACTION to share slides post meeting and for any other feedback to Andrea before 23rd.
Workforce Pro Bono- Andrea
Previously we have discussed at the VSN with Laura Porro the possibility of ICB staff doing a day of volunteering at a voluntary sector organisation. It was felt that this may be difficult and actually cause more work. Many of the staff at ICB have skills that could be used pro bono such as coaches, comms, finance, legal etc and it would be good to have a guide to what was on offer and match with organisations needing the support.
Andrea is awaiting sign off from the committee to proceed as this does have a cost implication to ICB .
Workforce mentoring- Andrea/ Sharon
The aim is to bring systems closer together and ICB are setting up a pilot mentoring scheme where the Voluntary Sector can be mentors for ICB staff.
Andrea shared some slides showing what the process would be and what the expectations are.
Andrea asked for any suggestions to add to the reading list/resources that would give the mentees a greater understanding of the VCSE sector and working with communities.
Sandie has she will compile a pack and a suggestion to include the Vital Signs report: https://www.cambscf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Vital-Signs-2024.pdf
The scheme is now open for expressions of interest with a view to starting some of the relationship matching from October. The link to the expression of interest form is here: https://forms.office.com/e/ZaBZkDCgpa
ACTION To compile a pack of supporting information-Sandie
ACTION To share slides post meeting- Debbie
Director Update- Sandie
All the details for the Strategy Review are now live on Support Cambs Website. Members are asked to look at the supporting documents and then respond to the survey. Anyone in your organisation can fill this in.
VSN strategy review survey
This review will be being shared with the ICB members too and any other partners. Andrea will share through the internal newsletter too.
Two listening events have been set up. The first is for the voluntary sector 24th September and the second is 9th Oct and open to all.
ACTION to send the VSN an email with all the strategy details included- Debbie
Learning Disability Partnership- the steering group have discussed the disbanding of this and have asked if there has been an impact assessment done.
Although the service offer in theory will be offered the separation of the service could have an impact on the service user or carers.
It was agreed that a letter will be written to the ICB and CCC expressing concern.
ACTION– Sandie to draft a letter for approval and then to send to appropriate people.
Assura Grants- round 2 of this is happening but as yet we do not have specific dates. We have 20K left over from the first round and we are looking at ways to top this up. The next round will be focussing on Integrated Neighbourhoods who did not receive in the first round- not all IN will be able to be covered.
Reps feedback
Sharon talked about the Just R recruitment portal (previous details shared with group) so far ARHC are the only voluntary sector organisation signed up to this. There are no costs to this and the ICB are looking to see how then can increase the looks to non NHS posts.
Contact Sharon or Mel Payne at ICB for more details
ACTION Sandie will add to the next newsletter.
Sharon mentioned the Culture and Leadership Compact and the Leadership programme.
Some of the VSN attended the Above Difference training and there are now plans to set up a leadership alumni.
Sharon also asked if organisations did staff surveys were they willing to share the questions they asked and outcomes for some ongoing work that is happening.
Robert Colbert alerted the group to a reduction in funding for Alzheimer’s Peterborough which has meant a reduction in days the resource centre can be open and the loss of Ade Gardeners post- Robert will be feeding back VSN info to Peterborough.
Many different offers of training are coming through from ICB- if you or team members attends any it would be great if they could give us feedback and let us know what they have signed up to (if it wasn’t organised through Debbie).
The Next Health and Wellbeing Network meeting has invited the Community Pharmacist and the NHS BA to talked about what’s happening in their areas.
Debbie is in the process of organising the next showcase event – this is going to be 20th November- if you are interested in being a showcasing organisation please let Debbie know – attendance at these is big and covers all areas including ICB, CCC and district council staff.
A reminder that there will be a second session on the New Models of care is happening on 17th September at 3pm online.
Just to be aware NAVCA along with Sandie and Andrea have been doing a piece of work. They are looking for images and may approach VSN members so this is a genuine request.
Thank you
As many of you are aware PCVS have a new CEO Kirsteen McVeigh. The Voluntary Sector Network would like to thank Gill Benedkiz for her amazing input and engagement with this group whilst they have been awaiting Kirsteen’s arrival.