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National Lottery/Heritage Fund/Quarterly deadlines

Grants available:  £10k to £10m

District: England

Application closes: Rolling

Who is the funding for: Heritage related projects



National Lottery Heritage Grants form part of the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s new 10-year strategy, Heritage 2033, that aims to invest £3.6 billion across the UK with grants ranging from £10,000 up to £10 million.

The strategy is centred around a simplified framework of four investment principles:

  • Saving heritage.
  • Protecting the environment.
  • Inclusion, access and participation.
  • Organisational sustainability.

Grants are available to support projects of up to five years that care for and sustain heritage in the UK. This could include nature and habitats, historic buildings and environments, or cultures, traditions and people’s memories.

The programme funds projects that:

  • Clearly focus on heritage – this can be national, regional or local heritage of the UK.
  • Take into account all four investment principles.
  • Have a clear plan with a defined start, middle and end.
  • Have not already started.
  • Can demonstrate the need for National Lottery investment.

Two levels of funding are available:

  • Grants from £10,000 to £250,000 for projects of no more than five years in duration.
  • Grants from £250,000 to £10 million for projects of no more than five years in duration (excluding the development phase).


Who can apply:

Applications from:

  • £10,000 to £100,000 will be accepted from not-for-profit organisations, private owners of heritage and partnerships.
  • £100,000 to £10 million will be accepted from not-for-profit organisations and partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations.

Applications for more than £250,000 require an Expression of Interest which can be submitted at any time. If successful, applicants will then need to submit a development phase application. These have quarterly application deadlines.

Applications for grants of between £10,000 and £250,000 are open all year round with decisions in about two months.


Masonic Charitable Foundation/Children Young and Older People/Rolling

Grants available:  Small (£1k to£5k) Large (£10k to £60k)

District: England and Wales

Application closes: Rolling

Who is the funding for: 



The MCF is dedicated to supporting disadvantaged children and young people, as well as vulnerable older people, in England and Wales. Their Charity Grants programme is open to registered charities in England and Wales working with any of our four main priority groups:

People With Dementia and Their Carers

The MCF are particularly interested in targeted interventions such as carers support and social groups, Maintenance Cognitive Simulation Therapy, or other interventions working to achieve outcomes such as the following:

  • Improved ability of carers to meet the needs of people with dementia (i.e. resources, knowledge, skills)
  • Reducing loneliness, and isolation and creating social connection
  • Improvements to physical health and cognitive function
  • Better access to support services
  • Increased independence and influence over their own lives and treatment

Children Affected By Domestic Abuse

The MCF is interested in funding projects that work with vulnerable and disadvantaged children and families towards the following outcomes:

  • Learning coping strategies and tools to effectively handle challenges
  • Increased self-esteem, resilience, confidence, and feelings of safety and wellbeing
  • Families experience positive behavioural changes
  • Children will have better relationships with their family and peers
  • Decreased feelings of anxiety and isolation
  • Improved engagement with education and other related support services

Early Years

The MCF is interested in funding projects that work with vulnerable and disadvantaged children whose interventions:

  • increase the likelihood of children achieving developmental milestones;
  • support children to make successful transitions to primary school;
  • improve children’s physical health through access to healthcare, nutrition, check-ups, immunisations etc.;
  • give families a better understanding of their child’s needs and improve confidence in parenting/caring so they are better able to meet the child’s needs;
  • increase families’ positive engagement in services enabling targeted support to address specific issues e.g. domestic violence, mental health, substance abuse, and neglect.

Children With Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

They want to hear from charities who are working with children with SEND, and examples of services and interventions may include: practical/life skills; supportive education, volunteering and work opportunities; assistive technology etc.

We are looking for charities whose support for children with SEND will:

  • Increase their social inclusion;
  • Increase their independence and connections to their local community;
  • Improve their access to early intervention services and therapies, for diagnosed, suspected conditions and pre-diagnosis;
  • Ensure their parents/carers are better able to cope in their caring role and meet their child’s needs;
  • Enable their parents/carers to be better informed of their child’s options and rights, and the services available to them.
Who can apply:

Grants are only made to charities/projects whose beneficiaries are in England and Wales

Charities must be registered with the Charity Commission or relevant Central registry of the respective Guernsey, Jersey or Isle of Man government

Charities must have at least one year of independently examined or audited accounts published on the Charity Commission website for the registered charity number they are applying from