Tag Archive for: Recruitment & Retention Sub-group of Local People Board

VCS Rep Report : Recruitment and Retention Sub-Group – April 2023

Title of Group Recruitment & Retention Sub-group of Local People Board
Date 17 April 2023 Reps name  Sharon Allen, Arthur Rank Hospice Charity
Summary of agenda items / key themes discussed

Review ToR and Milestones

Action Plan and SRO’s: each provider asked to provide recruitment plans, will be sharing of good practice. The meeting was focused on agreeing the top three or four priorities (there are currently eight) in the Action Plan.

NHS E High Impact Interventions, Next Steps and Provider Plans (NHS providers only)

Co-chair for the group

Implications for the VCS

When collation of recruitment plans happens, see what our sector can learn, adapt and contribute from these (ARHC has shared our People Plan as a vol sec example).

What do we want in terms of joint recruitment initiatives? Move to on-line? And identifying risk points of colleagues leaving at 6 and 9 months and what we can collaboratively do to address this.

What involvement does our sector want in work ongoing with Anglia Ruskin University on innovations in R&R?

What engagement do we want in international recruitment either as a pipeline for our own workforces or to support with pastoral care for international recruits to the NHS?

Accommodation project – how do we want to be engaged with this?

Can we provide turnover rates for HCSW (Healthcare support worker) or equivalent?

Do we have views on areas of greatest clinical risk (probably only impacts a small number of sector orgs)

Adult Social Care has secured regional funds for ethical recruitment (re international recruitment). The meeting agreed to take this off this Action Plan for this group as Chris Hill (chair) sits on the oversight group for this work so will provide updates.


Any responses to any of the above points, or requirements for further information, please contact Sharon.

Invite Rebecca Tuten who is leading on the data project to a Health Alliance meeting to discuss our sector needs, capacity so that we have a system workforce data set not just NHS.

Date, time and venue of next meeting and name of representative who will be attending

15 May, 14.00 – 15.30, via Teams, Sharon attending