Tag Archive for: recovery

Cambridgeshire Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services: Invitation to Tender


Cambridgeshire Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services are currently being re-tendered. Interested parties are invited to a networking workshop on Friday the 2nd February between 1PM and 4PM at Hinchingbrooke Countryside Centre.

The afternoon will include presentations by Joe Keegan of the Public Health Commissioning Team Manager (Drugs & Alcohol/Sexual Health) at Cambridgeshire County Council, and Julie Farrow, Chief Executive of Hunts Forum of Voluntary Organisations, and lead partner with Support Cambridgeshire. These will be followed by discussion workshops and networking opportunities.

Following consultation with service users, local and national stakeholders and the general public, the Council’s vision is for community-based recovery provision, including peer support, connecting individuals and families to local networks for recovery. It wants providers to work holistically to improve individual’s needs around housing, employment and mental health. It hopes that Cambridgeshire-based treatment providers and third-sector organisations can bring their local expertise to ensure that resources are targeted efficiently and successfully.

In order for potential bidders (some of which will be national organisations) to understand the local landscape and appreciate the wide range of third sector providers that work across Cambridgeshire, we would like to provide the opportunity for all parties to meet, network and cement links for future partnerships.

The new contract will start on the 1 October 2018.

We hope that you will be able to join us on the 2nd February 2018 to meet and network with current and potentially new colleagues.

If you wish to book a space, please email trisha@huntsforum.org.uk.

Tea and Biscuits will be provided.