Tag Archive for: mental health needs data

New local data on mental health needs of residents

Would you like to better understand mental health need in your area?

Do you have to show why your work is needed to get funding?

Do you need to know which groups of people are most in need of mental health support?

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust are working with the Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council to build a picture of mental health need across the area.


Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mental Health Needs Assessment

A mental health needs assessment is being created locally. This is a way of understanding the mental health needs of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents across their lives.

Local data, evidence reviews, expert advisors and the voices of people with lived experience have been brought together to understand local mental health need and identify local priorities.


Cambridgeshire Website

Sometimes page after page of health information can be challenging. Therefore, all the results of the needs assessment are freely available on the Cambridgeshire Insights website. This includes infographics, which provide a fast summary of some of our findings.

There are three chapters already online. Chapter 1 covers how mental health is affected by the environment we live in, such as poverty, housing, and crime. Chapter 2 looks at how mental health differs depending on ethnicity, sexuality, and disability status, for example. Chapter 3 focuses on perinatal mental health and its impact on parents, infants, and the wider family.

Another 6 chapters will be added to the website in the months to coming. They focus on children and young people, work-age adults, living well in later years and neurodiversity.


How you can use it

The needs assessment shows which groups of people are most in need of mental health support. This could be used to tailor or target services to those people most in need.

It also clearly shows why looking after mental health, and tackling the causes of poor mental health, are important. This could provide local, relevant evidence for funding bids, showing why your work is important.


To find out more about the mental health needs assessment, please visit the Cambridgeshire Insights website