Tag Archive for: health

Henry Smith / Holidays for disadvantage children/ Deadline 19 Nov 2024

The Henry Smith Charity’s Holiday Grants programme supports recreational trips or holidays for groups of children aged 13 or younger who experience disadvantage or who have disabilities. There is particular interest in contributing to trips that would not take place without the Charity’s funding.

Applications are currently being accepted for holidays taken between 1 September and 31 December 2024.

Schools, youth groups, not for profit organisations and charities in the UK can apply for a one-off grant of between £500 and £2,750 to support a day trip or a longer residential of up to a week for groups of children aged 13 years or younger. The trip could be to a countryside or city location but must be outside of the children’s immediate locality. Day trips should not involve a disproportionate amount of time spent travelling. Consideration will be given to trips which are more local but these should have an emphasis on providing a new experience for the children and broadening their horizons.

Priority will be given to projects level that will benefit disadvantaged and disabled children in the most deprived areas in the UK.

Grants are made on a first come, first served basis until the available funding for that round has been fully allocated. All applications should be received at least six weeks before the date of the trip to allow for administrative processing and decision making.

The deadline for applications is 19 November 2024.


Brunel University / Innovation / Rolling

Brunel Innovation Voucher Scheme Supports UK Organisations in Innovation

Brunel University London is offering the Brunel Innovation Voucher Scheme to support collaborative projects aimed at developing new products, processes, or services that foster innovation and growth within organisations.

The scheme provides vouchers valued at between £1,000 and £5,000, which cover specific academic project costs at the university. Participating organisations are required to contribute an equivalent value, either in cash or in kind, such as staff time, materials, or equipment.

The scheme is open to SMEs, social enterprises, and third sector organisations based in the UK, offering them an opportunity to collaborate with academic experts to drive innovation within their operations.

Applications are open on a rolling basis.


Alzheimer’s Research / Public engagement on dementia / 14 October 2024

Funding for Innovative Projects that Engage the Public on Topic of Dementia

Alzheimer’s Research UK’s Inspire Fund has opened for applications. This call is offering seed funding grants of up to £5,000 per project to new applicants from across the UK.

The funding is for projects that meet both of the following core criteria:

  • Projects must engage with underserved audiences on the topic of dementia, such as minority ethnic communities, marginalised or socio-economically disadvantaged people.
  • Build knowledge and understanding about brain health (in the context of dementia risk reduction) and explore ways to encourage behaviour change.

Projects can use a range of methods to engage with their audience and applicants are encouraged to consider their audience when selecting methods of engagement, to ensure people are able to take part.

Applications will be accepted from people with a range of backgrounds and expertise, such as dementia researchers, community groups, artists, creative organisations, and people responsible for cultural spaces such as museums and libraries. There is particular interest in proposals led by community groups and organisations. Applicants are encouraged to forge links with collaborators or groups to grow the scale of ideas and the impact of projects.

The grants will not support projects providing dementia care or other frontline services (including arts therapy).

An online information webinar will be held on 17 September 2024 (12-1pm) for potential applicants to find out more about the scheme and ask questions. Applicants can sign up to attend on the ARUK website.

The deadline for applications for seed funding grants is 14 October 2024 (5pm).


Neat Streets / Tackling Litter / Deadline 13th September (Round 2)

£10,000 to introduce a Hubbub campaign in your area.

To help support local authorities tackle litter and recycling, we have grant funding available to support to help you replicate a Hubbub campaign in your area to support litter reduction, and may also boost recycling.

The campaign should be either: targeted at drivers and roadside litter, towards young adults and aimed at urban environments, visitors to forests and other areas of natural beauty, tourists to the beach or tackling recycling on-the-go in towns and cities

Grants of £10,000 which can be used to support the purchase of new bins and signage, events and the development of a campaign.

There are  five grants to give out over the next 12 months, and aim to allocate 1 – 2 grants, every 3 months to allow applicants time to prepare their bid. The first grant will be open until September 13th 2024.

To maximise the campaign scale and impact,  applicants need to co-invest £5000 into a campaign, to create a project budget of £15,000.

This funding is made possible with support from McDonald’s.


Tree Council / community tree planting/ 1st Dec

The Tree Council is offering grants of between £250 and £2,500 for schools, constituted community groups and charities, community interest companies, Tree Warden networks, and other organisations across the UK to deliver tree-planting projects during the 2024/25 Winter planting season (between the end of November 2024 and early February 2025).

Through the Branching Out Fund, groups can purchase:

  • Bare root, UK-sourced and grown, native trees of an appropriate size (priority will be given to younger trees that will establish better).
  • UK-sourced and grown, bare-root whips (saplings) and cell-grown (root trainer) stock for hedging projects (between 40-120cm height).
  • Hedgerow trees.
  • Orchards, such as fruit trees on semi-vigorous, vigorous, and very vigorous rootstocks.
  • Cardboard/bioplastic tree/hedge guards.
  • Non-plastic ties.
  • Stakes (coppiced material such as chestnut or hazel is preferred, although machined softwood will also be considered).
  • Mulch.
  • Non-peat-based soil improvers if needed.

The following may also be considered:

  • Non-native tree varieties if appropriate to the setting.
  • Non-native varieties and species that are chosen with climate change adaptation and resilience in mind.
  • Fruit trees on dwarfing rootstock if the setting is appropriate.
  • Trees in containers/raised beds if the reason is adequately explained and supported by a robust and comprehensive irrigation and aftercare plan.
  • More robust and costly guards if the setting justifies it.
  • Other project resources to support tree establishment such as irrigation equipment like watering cans/irrigation aids, and PPE.

Priority will be given to applicants that have strong community engagement embedded from the beginning of the planting project.

The deadline for applications is 1 December 2024 (midnight).


Health Equity grant/ Legal & General / Apply in summer 2024

Legal & General’s new £3million ‘Health Equity’ grant Fund, alongside the UCL Institute of Health Equity (IHE).

What is available?

The Fund aims to support community-based initiatives across the UK which are addressing the social determinants of health.

The Fund has potential to support up to 150 projects tackling non-medical social and economic factors which have an influence on local and national public health, such as housing, education, infrastructure, or quality of work.

  • The Legal & General ‘Health Equity’ Fund is a £3 million fund offering grants of up to £75,000 to place based projects that address the social determinants of health.
  • The fund will initially launch with a trailblazer £1mn available to projects based in the North East of England ahead of a UK-wide launch in the summer of 2024.
  • Example projects that the Fund may support could range from funding for inner-city schools in areas of deprivation to community programmes which address the social determinants behind pressures on A&E services, or partnerships raising awareness of the contribution the natural environment makes to health and wellbeing.


Who can apply?

  • To apply you must login or register to be a member of the https://healthequitynetwork.co.uk/. This is a free membership and it will provide you with further information and updates.
  • Once you have signed up and logged in, you will be able to find information about the Fund on the new Legal & General Health Equity Fund page, which is available via the menu bar.
  • Interested parties with projects in the North East of England can submit expressions of interest from 04 June 2024 ahead of the launch of the official application process. The UK-wide launch will open in the summer of 2024.


How to Apply:

To find out more about the fund and the process for applying, read the full announcement here: Legal & General and UCL Institute of Health Equity launch new fund to support up to 150 communities across the UK | Legal & General (legalandgeneral.com)

Summary of Voluntary Sector Representation from Boards/Committees (Oct-Nov 23)

C&P ICB Commissioning & Investment Committee and Improvement and Reform Committee

 6th October 2023

 Miriam Martin (Caring Together)

  • Non-emergency patient transport services – an update on planned procurement process and timetable. Now open for tender. New service will commence in October 2024.
  • Integrated urgent care –Current contract extended by two years to Oct 25 when new contract will start. Extension was agreed to ensure opportunity to engage stakeholders and patients in creating the spec.
  • Winter capacity – In 2023/34monies have been received including some monies for adult social care.
  • Targeted lung health checks – paper identified options for roll out in preparation for an expected national lung cancer screening programme. The committee approved the end to end service model to be outsourced to a single provider.
  • Cardio-vascular disease programme – Monies have been made available from Public Healt to support CVD prevention. The committee approved the proposal to support improved outcomes in the detection and treatment of CVD risk factors.
  • Managed Care Hub – The committee approved a proposal to establish a facility in the North Cambs/Peterborough partnership to provide a dynamic managed care hub targeting hard to reach patients. This provides an opportunity for the Voluntary sector to engage and become part of a holistic service offer for a range of conditions.

The next meeting is 15th December.


Quality Performance and Finance 

27th October 2023

Rachel Talbot (Cambridge CAB)

Finance They are on track and doing pretty much the best in the region however the Deputy CEO warned that this Winter will bring as many difficulties as during Covid. She asked that everyone do what they can to make savings wherever they can.

Prescribing Facing a large overspend although apparently doing better than most areas. Key problems = population increase; cost of drugs; increasing/better  diagnosis of conditions like diabetes (= more statins); overprescribing.

We are the 4th lowest cost per 1000 patients. Nd 4th best for procurement. Sharing more amongst regional and national networks.

Learning disabilities 54 deaths up from 23 in 2019. Leading cause of death = respiratory system.


  • Continuing industrial action in the NHS has had a significant impact on patients, with almost 400,000 appointments having to be rescheduled during June, July and August 2023 as a result
  • of strikes
  • Demand for cancer services continued at record levels in July 2023, with the number of urgent suspected cancer referrals at 130% of pre-pandemic levels.
  • The NHS M4 year to date financial position is £794m above plan

Local: October headlines

  • The systems financial position-at Month 6- shows in deficit
  • A&E performance 4 hour performance : is off trajectory for September at a system level 67% against a trajectory of 71.1%;
  • Overall outpatient activity: remains below the set operational plan, currently at 92%.
  • Cancer performance is becoming increasingly more challenged. The 28 Day Cancer Faster Diagnosis standard has regressed from the previous month, falling below the 75% target
  • Annual Physical Health Checks (APHC ) for Severe Mental illness register patients: For Qtr 2 C&P delivered 59% (2284) of our annual target of 4027 checks. The End of the year forecast position: 110% of target of 4027, a 75%uptake against SMI register.
  • Inappropriate Out of Area Bed days – Mental Health: has reduced from 920 bed days a month in April to 690 in latest month (July).
  • Patients not meeting the criteria and not discharged: Performance continues to be strong, and significantly better than the same period in 22/23, and ranks in the top quartile nationally.
  • Urgent Community services: The number of referrals and response within 2 hours continues to show month or month improvement with a 25% increase in referrals April to August
  • Theatre Productivity: Remains high at 79.2% comparative to peers although below the target at 85%.
  • Diagnostic activity across all areas is performing above the planned level at 102% (CUH 103%, NWAFT 101%, and RPHFT 104%).


System Leadership Group

13th November 2023

Sharon Allen (Arthur Rank)

Following the meeting in September to review structures and working of Local People Board and it’s sub-groups, this group has combined the work of two previous groups; Leadership and Organisational Development and System OD and is co-chaired by Anita Pisani, Deputy CEO at Cambridgeshire Community Services and Sam Carr, Assistant Director Systems and Organisational Development, CCS who also has a system role.

The group has four objectives:

  • Work as a system to embed Compassionate Culture through design and delivery of OD interventions and ensure the Leadership Compact is embedded through the system;
  • Develop a systematic and coordinated approach to managing talent and succession planning across the ICS;
  • Use staff surveys (NHS and system partners) to identify improvement actions;
  • Develop system leadership, teaching everyone to work beyond our own organisational boundaries to support the needs of local people. Create collaborative and inclusive cultures across the ICS that engenders joint working and common purpose.
  • We discussed Talent Management and the support being provided to progress this and how we can ensure this is genuinely system wide, recognising the challenges of different parts of the system not being equally resourced or able to offer comparable T&C for colleagues. NHS England is currently piloting a programme called Scope for Growth and information was shared on this.
  • The importance of everyone in our system being aware of and integrating the Leadership Compact (which is referenced in our VCSE strategy) was reinforced to foster a shared approach to leadership across our system.

Update on Leadership programmes:

  • An update of Springboard programme was given and information circulated separately to Health Alliance
  • Mary Seacole is a programme aimed at middle managers and the programme is looking for additional facilitators, particularly from the North of the county, training will be provided.
  • A further cohort of Leading Beyond Boundaries is underway and we have several Health Alliance colleagues on this programme and it will be good to hear back from them in due course about their experience. The alumni event that had to be postponed due to impact of industrial action is still be rescheduled.
  • Stepping Up and Ready Now programmes are leadership programmes for colleagues from ethnically diverse backgrounds. A local provider has been sourced, and the system needs to determine how to resource secure this. BLMK (Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes) ICS has suggested a joint approach which will share costs and places and the group agreed to pursue.

Actions for VCSE partners or Health Alliance

  • It would be good to know how many Alliance members complete any form of staff survey and particularly any who are willing to share results for comparison across the system.
  • Consider applying for Springboard Women’s Leadership programme – also any women leaders in our sector who are willing to share your career journey at one of the sessions, please contact Mel Paine, melanie.paine1@nhs.net – it would be great for more colleagues from across the system to hear from voluntary sector women leaders!


Local People Board

17th November 2023

Sharon Allen (Arthur Rank)

A risk was raised under the BAF (Board Assurance Framework) about the reservist programme that has been running. The funding for the project managers supporting this programme is ending at the end of March and the board was asked to note this and the risks to the programme. This is of course a risk across many programmes and one that the voluntary sector is very familiar with so I raised the point that the ICS needs to be aware of all projects that are at risk due to loss of specific funding to determine how best to prioritise any ongoing support.

There was also discussion about where Freedom to Speak Up Guardians sit within the approach to managing risk.

There was an update on the structure and the Enabler groups that sit under the People Board:

  • EDI (rep Gemma Manning, ARHC)
  • Leadership and OD (Sharon Allen, ARHC)
  • Recruitment (Sharon Allen, ARHC)
  • Retention (Tbc)
  • Education and Development (Kay Hardwick, ARHC)
  • Workforce Planning (tbc)
  • Health and Wellbeing (Kat Shepherdson, Hunts Vol Forum?)
  • Futures (tbc)

Brief update on ‘Above Difference’ Programme starting Jan 2024, Health Alliance has three members joining who will share feedback.

Presentation from Jo Oldfield from the Training Hub which supports GP practices and Primary Care Networks (PCN’s) with Organisational Development, recruitment and retention, learning and development, leadership and strategic growth. The Training Hub is the delivery arm for national NHSE primary care workforce initiatives locally.

The Health and Care Academy is delivering an ICS careers expo for Year 10 students and potential apprentices/ new recruits, on the 27th & 28th March 2024 at ARU-P.

I continue to raise the point about the challenge of trying to implement initiatives that are One Workforce focused when there are such differences across our sectors, this is acknowledged which is positive. The ICB has employed Bev Hoskin as Head of Pay and Reward across the system, a very challenging role. I have had an induction meeting with her in my role as HA rep on the People Board and shared what we have done. It would be good to invite her to a future HA meeting.

Actions for VCSE partners or Health Alliance

  • Are any Health Alliance members able to attend the Enabler groups where we do not currently have representation?
  • It would be good to know which Health Alliance members have a Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, there is a system wide network which we need to be linked into.
  • Look out for details of ICS careers expo in March and ensure Health Alliance members participate.
  • Are colleagues happy for me to share the work we did some time back from Hunts Voluntary Forum CEO network on T&C in our sector (anonymised) with Bev Hoskins




Summary of Voluntary Sector Representation from Boards/ Committees (June – Aug 2023)


23rd June- Rachel Talbot

There has been an increase in referrals to paediatric services for preschool children along with an increase in need for children with complex needs. As well as this there are long waiting lists for speech and language therapy.

There is still concern about the number of inappropriate out-of-area mental health placements with work being done to reduce these.

The dementia tour bus that visited care homes across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough earlier in the year was a great success.

27th July- Rachel Talbot

There has been a reduction in turnover of staff since the beginning of the year. Mental Health nursing however had seen an increase in turnover.

A discussion took place about the Learning Disability Health Needs assessment. There was a list of recommendations however with lack of funding these may be difficult to implement.

Ambulance handover time has improved and is being sustained and is now the best in the region.


12 July -Education and Development workshop ARCH representation

The Oliver McGowan training the ability to recruit the right amount of staff and the cost of training were discussed.

Background-the- The Health and Care Act 2022 introduced a requirement that regulated service providers must ensure their staff receive Learning Disability and Autism training appropriate to their role. The suggested training is the Oliver McGowan training.

17 July- Leadership and OD subgroup- Sharon Allen

There is a shift in focus from NHS from Serious Incident Review to Patient Safety Incident Reporting Framework (PSIRF). Understanding what within the organisational system led to an adverse outcome. All NHS and commissioned organisations have to introduce PSIRF and Arthur Rank are doing this.

Sharon had taken part in the System Change Consulting Programme (a Health Education England-funded programme) and she fed back at the meeting. The programme had several modules and they are now available online.


The Leading Beyond Boundaries training had 78 nominations including several from Health Alliance members and all have been offered a place.

If organisations undertake staff feedback and are willing to share results and action plans contact Sharon Allen or Anita Pisani


18TH August – Michael Firek

Someone to Talk To- Young people’s Mental Health Service the ICB has agreed to continue to fund this service until June 26. It is a jointly commissioned piece of work with Cambridgeshire County Council and supports young people 13-25 with complex mental health needs. The service is currently delivered by Centre 33.

Continuing healthcare efficiency plan- A plan has been received and approved to reimplement clinical tier rates for nursing care beds. A revised and simplified set of rates has been discussed with providers to manage costs and be more reflective of the client’s needs.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS Outcomes Framework- work is continuing on this. The intention of the framework is to encompass patient and user experience as well as workforce, culture and leadership elements alongside clinical, care and service outcomes.

PA Consulting- These were engaged on Feb 23 to develop a resource model informed by population health, outcomes and the health economic value of change. Work is currently under way to develop logic models that will help the system to assess the economic benefits of different interventions.

Mental Health Investment Standard (MHIS) Review- more than £183m of funding goes into Mental Health and Learning Disability and Autism services. The ICB has done a deep dive review of expenditure for 22/23 to understand the activity, quality, experience, performance and value for money of the services provided for the local population. Several learning points were identified.

Continuing funding for 23/24 was agreed upon. There was a recommendation to pursue 3-year contracts with Voluntary and Community Sector Organisations who were delivering services funded by the Mental Health Investment Standard (MHIS) or the Service Development Fund.

Staff Support Hub Update – Finance support for staff and volunteers

Tools and webinars to help your financial wellbeing

The cost-of-living crisis is increasing and so are the financial worries. More than a quarter of the UK adults feel ashamed, depressed, and anxious due to financial worries. This isn’t something to be ashamed of, but it is important that you can face up to it and get the help you need.

To help reduce the financial worries of the staff, we the Staff Support Hub have collaborated with the MoneyHelper to add some useful finance calculators to our website.

We have a range of free financial tools including:

  • Budget Planner
  • Savings Calculator
  • Credit Card Calculator
  • Loan Calculator
  • Redundancy pay calculator and planner
  • Pension calculator
  • Workplace pension contribution calculators

Also, this new financial help webpage on our website has got:

  • Online, Telephone, and Face-to-face debt advice services
  • Money Manager for Universal Credit claimants
  • Redundancy Advice Plan

Accessing the financial tools

To access these tools, please click here. Alternatively, you can find these calculators on our website under the ‘More Support’ tab.

Money worries can impact your mental health.

If you feel your financial worries are affecting your mental health, please call our helpline number at 0808 801 0377 or chat with us online from our website here.

Financial Wellbeing Webinars

Also, along with Money Charity, we are organising two financial wellbeing webinars this month.

Please click on the below webinar titles for more details and to register.

Other upcoming webinars

Please click on the webinar dates below for more details about the webinar and to register.

The Support Staff Hub Latest Newsletter

The NHS Staff Support Hub is open to all Voluntary and community volunteers and workers who work on the front line. They have a number of services you can access free of charge and are welcome to attend any of their events.

Below you will  find their latest newsletter.


In this issue:

*Accident & Emergency. The Front Line   *Hospital Discharge Policy Legal Judgement   *New “Working Well” Team Just For You   *Brand New Counselling Service   *Mindfulness. Join an 8-Week Course   *OH Pilot: Rebranded to Primary Care OH and HR Service   *Pre-Retirement Courses   *Wellbeing Webinars. Focus on: Staff Support Forums   *Upcoming Events! Webinars & Support Forums   *About Us & Hub On A Page   *Don’t Miss Out! Previous Newsletters

Click on the image to view the newsletter