Tag Archive for: Duke of Eniburgh

How charities and CIO’s can engage with Duke of Edinburgh

Back in June 2024, we held a Youth Volunteering event, which looked at giving the voluntary and community groups out there more information about how to engage with younger people. We had speakers from projects and organisations which supported younger people come and speak about how VCS could engage with younger people – these talks can be viewed by clicking here 

Sadly, due to staff changes, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award was unable to attend the session. With the staff in place now, Alexa has created the presentation below on how charities and CIOs can engage with the DofE and look to set up a project that would allow students to engage with their organisation on an on going process.

While recording the session, it was asked where liability lay, as this was a question that came up in the original event; Alexa confirmed that the VCSE group would need to make sure they had the right insurance in place; however, as this is an issue that does crop up time and time again. Support Cambridgeshire is going to continue to discuss with DofE to establish what other organisations have in place and how they can negate those challenges.

If you are a charity or CIO interested in setting up a DofE program, then do speak to Alexa, who is always looking to work with more organisations.


Presentation and Slides 

To view the slides click HERE


About Alexa – Alexa.Bowden@DofE.org