Tag Archive for: CEO Network

The New Integrated Care System

On the morning of the 21st April, Mike More the Independent Chair of the STP and Interim Chair of the Integrated Care System (ICS) shadow board came and spoke to a group of CEO’s and top-line management professionals about the new health care system which will replace the CCG.

Mike took the group through where the idea of the ICS came from, and how it will work and this was then followed by questions from the group. The slides can be found HERE


The CEO Network is a network of voluntary and community leaders across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, it is a close group however anyone can join. If you wish to be part of the CEO network then please contact Julie Farrow 0n 01480 420601 or at julie@huntsforum.org.uk.

What’s the CEO Network?

Well its a network for CEO’s obviously but it goes beyond that.

We all recognise that sometimes the CEO role can be an isolated and lonely place to be, so the opportunity to meet other CEO’s and share organisational issues, concerns or opportunities in a safe and confidential space is probably valuable.

But its also about the start of one voice for the voluntary sector in Cambridgeshire. There are often issues arising out of Commissioner requirements or changes in District and County strategy which needs consulting on,  or requires a view, challenge or some support from the voluntary Sector. The CEO Network might be the best place to make this happen.

The first CEO Network has already taken place with 13 CEO’s in attendance. A second is planned for May 2019.

What arose from our first session?

CEO’s found the opportunity to discuss issues with peer colleagues invaluable.

We need to grow the CEO Network to a size reflective of the depth and diversity of our sector.

The network requires a series of Operating Principles which will be brought to the next meeting for discussion.

CEO’s need a digital safe space where they can post ideas, innovation, issues and concerns (or simple requests for information from other CEO’s). A proposed platform will be brought to the next meeting for discussion.

A Logo has been produced will can be used by all CEO’s who form part of the network. If you are already part of the CEO Network and would like the Logo for your E-Mail Footer or Headed Paper please contact russell@huntsforum.org.uk. 

Next Steps?

Further meetings where the CEO agenda can be broadened and contextualised.

Communications through the Combined Authority, County and District Councils advocating the use of the CEO network for one voice responses to concerns, priorities or changing strategies.

CEO representation at County and District Partnerships.

For more information on the CEO Network in general please contact julie@huntsforum.org.uk.

If you wish to be part of the Network please contact russell@huntsforum.org.uk

If you require the CEO Network Logo please contact russell@huntsforum.org.uk