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IT Grants/ Net Solutions Wales/ Ongoing

Funding for charity’s ICT development.


What is available?

Net Solutions Wales can assist with IT Grants of £10,000 to £20,000 for community / charity groups ICT development.

The funds cover PC’s, laptops, smartboards, projectors (most main stream I.T) software and support.

Restriction of one application per year.

Typical projects that have been awarded include community re-generation/enrichment, community activities and those groups which involve their community in learning new skills.

They will assist in providing knowledge of the IT available and guide you in how best to maximise the Grant with IT that suits its purpose.

This does not affect any Core funding and applications are on a first come first served basis with a decision time of around one month.


Who can apply?

Charities and community groups.


How to apply

To find out more and to apply please visit: NET Solutions Wales: web design, e-commerce, web hosting: Charities and community grants