Our Annual Report
Support Cambridgeshire partners have had a busy and active year.
Across our 5 work-streams, much has been done, and we look forward to year 3 and building further on our work.
Our Annual Report can be viewed here:
In year 3 we have planned some new activities which include:
- A new CEO network that connects the voluntary sector and looks at the main challenges we all face.
- A new Commissioning Forum which brings together statutory partners and the voluntary sector in a spirit of co-production.
- More evidence led training for community organisations.
- A connecting communities volunteer fair which looks at the potential volunteering impact on social isolation and loneliness.
And of course there will be the continuation of activities which we know helps to build the sectors confidence. Our next Annual Town and Parish Council conference is scheduled for November 2018, our network programme runs throughout the year and 1-1 support and development for groups is always available and on-going.
Visit our website: www.supportcambridgeshire.org.uk
If you require support, advice or assistance contact info@supportcambridgeshire.org.uk