Meet Caroline Tyrrell- Jones – National Trustee Week

It’s National Trustee Week and Hunts Forum took the opportunity to talk to one of their latest Trustees, Caroline Tyrrell- Jones.

Name: Caroline Tyrell – Jones.

Born: Hammersmith in West London.

Early Years: Great Dunmow and Saffren Walden in Essex.

Residing: Been resident in Cambridgeshire since 1975.

Caroline is currently employed as a Communities Programme Manager for Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Healthwatch champions the views of local people who use health and care services.

This is Caroline’s first foray into the world of Trusteeship, becoming a member of the Hunts Forum Board in April of 2019.

Why did you become a Trustee?

Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough reside in the Maple Centre, which is managed on behalf of Huntingdonshire District Council by Hunts Forum. I became interested in the work of our host and decided the best way to learn more was to join the Board. Although I am relatively new and still finding my feet, I am enjoying the experience.

Would you encourage others to volunteers as a Board Member?

Absolutely. The more people that put themselves forward as Trustees, the better local organisations become. There are lots of challenges at the moment, not least the financial context in which Charities work, so the more people that bring their experience and skills to bear the better Charities can navigate the current climate.

And here’s some more things you may wish to know about Caroline:

Favourite food: Winter comfort food (stews, casseroles and the like).

Favourite football manager: Frank Lampard

Favourite pastime: Caroline runs regularly with her local club.

What’s on the bucket list: Racing BMW’s at Silverstone.


There are lots of local organisations who are desperate to find volunteer Trustees. Give it a go – you may be surprised at the results..!!

If you wish to become a Board member at Hunts Forum please contact


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