Health Alliance -17th January March Library

Chaired By Sandie Smith 

Sandie welcomed everyone and introductions were done as there were a few new faces around the table. 

Action log. All completed items will be removed. 

Action 66. A template for sharing some good news stories for the ICS/ICB newsletter has been produced and will be shared post-meeting. Has a project you have been doing had an impact on the community? 

Andrea Grobois gave a presentation to the meeting explaining the Integrated Care Board (ICB), the Integrated Care System (ICS) and the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) and the areas that are covered. 

We discussed how the voluntary sector fits with this and how we can increase our profile.  

Andrea mentioned the Joint Forward Plan Our Joint Forward Plan | CPICS Website and how it is worth looking at that when thinking about pieces of work organisations may want to get involved in. There is also an operational plan that looks at year-by-year proposed activities. The voluntary sector has a strategy for working with the ICS- “Working Together for a Better Future”. This can be found on the Health Alliance webpage: 

ICS-VCSE-strategy.pdf (  

It was suggested that maybe HA members who work in the same area, eg housing could come together to look at joint projects. 

It was asked if the voluntary sector should be setting the agenda – Andrea explained that she is working to ensure that the voluntary sector is considered in conversations. The key purpose of this Alliance is to influence the agenda and enable VCSE to be equal partners.  

An issue was raised when patients/ clients lived around county borders. As there are different approaches to health in different areas it is difficult to navigate- for example, hospital discharge from Queen Elizabeth Hospital for people living in Wisbech is different to those who are discharged from NWAFT. 

ACTION- for the issue of cross border policy to be raised with the Commissioning and Investment and Improvement and Reform Committee- Miriam Martin and Michael Firek attend. 

ACTION- Melanie and Keith to give examples where cross-border issues have affected care/ support. 

Sandie’s Update 

Safeguarding- the task and finish group have now finished this piece of work. A mission statement for organisations has been shared and organisations have been asked to sign up. (contact Debbie if you need this resending). Sandie has shared a list of training and for any more information about this, you should refer back to your CVS. 

  • Quality Development Tool Workshops – These will look at the maturity of the Health Alliance and outcomes will be used to plan for the future. The first session in Peterborough will cover 2 of the priorities (places are fully booked) the second session will look at the final 4 – this is on 15th February in Ely and there are still a couple of spaces available. Please get in touch. 
  • Branding and Name Update – There is a rescheduled (due to illness) meeting for the final piece of this work before the end of January. Look out for the new name; Voluntary Sector Network- Together for Healthier Communities. 
  • Community Grants – The £75,000 fund from Assura Investment Trust will be allocated to 10 grassroots community organisations to undertake work in a defined local area that addresses health inequalities. This will be administered by the Cheshire Community Foundation. More details on this will follow soon. 

Sandie met with the Reps and the Partnership Development group and it has been agreed these will join to produce a steering group for the Health Alliance – this gives good representation across the patch. 

Representatives feedback – The reps that attend the ICB committees gave a summary of their committees (shared in slide pack). Sandie confirmed who attended which committee. Keith is going to represent the Health Alliance on the North partnership but he has not received invites/ papers yet. Chris from PVCS said she would raise this. 

Data Project- Michael Mitchell 

The data project aims to facilitate better data sharing across the Health Alliance. Cambridge CAB is leading a project to create a data catalogue for all members to add their data headings and descriptions for the data they collect. This data catalogue will allow the Health Alliance and members to see who is collecting what data and request data from the organisation. The shared data will be anonymous or aggregated. Combining data from different organisations should help to enrich the unique insights of each member of the Health Alliance. 


  • The next Health and Wellbeing network meeting will be on 13th February and will look at digital access across the county: Will Plant (CCC Digital Strategy), Karen Igho (Healthwatch community researcher’s findings) and Rosie Veitch (library services) will discuss the current picture and the support/ options that are available. To book, click the link: 
  • Organisation Showcase event – This has been organised for 14th March. 11 organisations will showcase what they do and there will be opportunities for others to ask questions. The demand for this was extremely high and 8 organisations (that did not get a place) are interested in doing this if we put it on again. 

Each time slot is only half an hour so please see if you can sign up and see what fellow Alliance members have to offer. The event will be shared across the voluntary and statutory sectors.  

Organisations are Cambridge United Foundation, Caresco, Pinpoint, Richmond fellowship, Animals and People, Camcare, Care network, Lifecraft, ARHC, Bobby scheme and Magpass. Book your place, click the link: 

Next Meeting 

28th February on Zoom 9.30-11.30 am 

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