How hard is it to find funding?
The answer is probably very.
The State of the Sector Survey for 2017 showed that obtaining and maintaining funding is a critical issue for community organisations across Cambridgeshire.
We all know that the nature of the voluntary sector is changing. It’s becoming ever more crowded and competitive, at a time when resources are harder to find.
Take a look at our self-service funding portal: Register and search for funding opportunities free of charge.
Simply click here:
There is no limit on the number of funding searches, and you can search based upon the type of organisation you think you are, and the type of funding you wish to obtain.
Take a look at our ever developing Resources page. This could help you with your funding submissions, and how you can demonstrate the difference you make.
Simply click here:
Support Cambridgeshire is here to help with building your application submission. We can advise you on what makes for a good application, what supporting evidence you may need, and how to demonstrate the impact you are making: Simply contact 01480 420603.