Greene King IPA / Proud to Pitch In/1 Nov 2024

Grants available:  up to £ 4,000

District: UK

Application closes: Grants will be given out regularly

Who is the funding for: Grass roots and community sports clubs in the UK (beneficiaries must be aged 18 and over)

Link:Proud To Pitch In | ActionFunde


Proud To Pitch In is an initiative from Greene King IPA, paying cash grants to grassroots and community sports clubs across the United Kingdom. Every pint they sell, will add 10p to fund supporting local clubs from the ground up, providing them with the tools clubs need to continue to play the sport they love. From football, rugby and cricket to roller hockey or netball, we want to support as many local teams across the UK as we can with donations which can go a long way to keeping everyone in action

Objectives of Fund

The aim of this fund is to support sports focussed projects that positively impact their club and/or the local community, and would tangibly benefit from funding. The fund is particularly focussed on sports projects that have a long term impact.

The fund is open to applications all year and grants will be distributed regularly.

Who Can apply

If you are involved in running a grassroots sports club you can apply .


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