Getting your year end financial accounts right

Date: 30 May 2024
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Location: Maple Centre, Huntingdon, PE29 7HN
Training & Events

Who is it for?

This training is free to any organisation working in Cambridgeshire. It is ideal for bookkeepers, finance managers or assistants and anyone who wants to understand what makes a robust set of final accounts.

What is it about?

This is about ensuring that your organisation’s end-of-year financial accounts are projecting a good understanding of your financial position.

What will I learn?

  •  Contractual and grant income explained. What are the differences between unrestricted, designated and restricted funds?
  • · Discuss keynotes to your accounts, such as executive pay disclosure, staff costs, fundraising costs and statement of funds.
  • · What a good trustee annual report should look like and how it should explain things that may not be evident in the accounts.
  • · Discussing reserve, financial risk & related party relationship policies
  • · What you should be discussing with your independent examiner or auditor
  • · Differences between charity accounts and company accounts (used by CICs) and what is required for external reporting when submitting final accounts.
  • · What potential funders and beneficiaries are looking for in your accounts?

What to expect:

This training is in person at Maple Centre, Huntingdon. You will receive more details on parking nearer the date.

The training includes reviewing some essential elements you may need in your final accounts, such as a trustee annual report, key policies, fund accounting, and important notes in the accounts.

The trainer – Dean Middleton is the finance manager at Hunts Forum. He has over 20 years’ experience of accounting consultancy work in the voluntary sector and has worked in local government as principal accountant and senior internal auditor.


To book 

Please click on the link. This training is free to all organisations within Cambridgeshire.  Please do let us know if you cannot make it so we can offer your space to someone else.

Cancellation policy: 

If you should have any questions please email:

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