Essential Skills For Trustees – event over two lunchtimes
Part 1 of 2 Thursday 18th April 12 noon – 2pm
Part 2 of 2 Thursday 25th April 12 noon – 2pm
This two-part event will take place over 2 lunchtimes one week apart and is aimed at giving trustees from community organisations and small charities the essential tools to perform their role safely and effectively. The sessions will include a taught element with time for sharing experiences and asking questions.
We are encouraging trustees to book for both sessions.
Part 1 taking place on Thursday 18th April 12 noon – 2pm will provide trustees with an overview of their role and the responsibilities including:
- What Public Benefit means and how that makes an organisation charitable;
- Legal duties of Trustees;
- Safeguarding the charity’s values, aims and objectives;
Part 2 of 2 Thursday 25th April 12 noon – 2pm will focus on running an effective board including:
- A closer look at trustee liabilities
- How Trustees should manage the strategic decision making, such as budgets, finance and policies
- Risk Management
- Effective operational management
This course will be delivered by one of our training & development workers who have a wealth of experience working with trustee boards across the voluntary sector.
By registering for this course you agree to abide by the Support Cambridgeshire Cancellation Policy