Community Builder Training – Fully Booked

Date: 9 August 2023
Time: 10:00 - 13:00
Location: Online
Training & Events

What works in creating inclusive, connected, and equitable communities. This free training course is facilitated by leading experts – Protection Approaches. The training focusses on tackling marginalisation, building more inclusive, connected and equitable communities.

Taking place over 2 x 3 hour online sessions on Wednesday 9th& 16th August – with plenty of breaks built in. Participants will need to be available for both sessions.  

What does the training involve

During the interactive activity -based sessions, the training considers:

  • The causes of community divides and marginalisation and whose responsibility it is to tackle those causes
  • What really works in building more inclusive, connected and equitable communities including best practice in community building from around the world
  • Common mistakes made in community building projects or activities and how to avoid them
  • The practical actions you can take in your communities to dismantle the barriers faced by those who are marginalized and to make those communities more connected and equitable
  • The principles guiding how to work in and with communities in meaningful, participatory ways
  • Methodologies to design impactful projects for positive change

Is it for me?

  •  Are you involved in some sort of community perhaps through a club, your workplace, a faith group, a voluntary group, a forum, or an association?
  • •Are you passionate about making our communities more inclusive, connected and equitable places for all but not sure where to start or want to gain new skills?

If you answered “yes” this training has been designed for you.

We particularly want to encourage people who might think twice before joining a training like this such as those with special educational needs or who don’t always feel confident speaking up in group activities. The Protection Approach team will be happy to speak to you ahead of the training to understand how they can make sure it is as accessible and comfortable for you as possible.   Contact

Who are Protection Approaches?

Protection Approaches is a UK charity working to challenge identity-based violence through community-led and -inspired action. From East London to the Central African Republic, we help build inclusive, connected and equitable communities and use what we learn to push for societal and political change.

What do participants say about the training?

“At the end of that session I felt, and I genuinely mean this, that nothing is impossible”  Click here for a video with feedback from past participants.

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