Drug, alcohol and mental health commissioning
Cambridgeshire County Council is looking to re-tender its adult drug and alcohol treatment services ready for 1st October 2018.
As part of this process the council are considering commissioning a community recovery service for people with drug, alcohol and or mental health issues. This is in response to both market and stakeholder feedback highlighting the need for strategic joint commissioning around substance misuse and mental health.
The council have produced a Market-Sounding document which can be viewed here:
The purpose of this market sounding document is to:
- Explore the feasibility, risks and benefits of this approach.
- Help us understand the level of market interest and ability to deliver such a service.
- Inform our commissioning intentions in respect of both substance misuse and mental health services.
Participants are invited to respond to the questions in Part 2 of the Market Sounding document (Nov 2017).
Responses should be submitted via ProContract by 12:00noon on Wednesday 22nd November 2017.
Please note, this is available at the below link: