Disabled Children’s Service – Applications

Cambridgeshire County Council Disabled Children’s Service are inviting applications to deliver a range of interesting, exciting and inclusive activities for disabled children and young people living within Cambridgeshire. The children and young people who will use the clubs and groups will be aged up to 19 years and have a range of needs: They may require assistance with personal care for example or assistance with support to enjoy activities in the community with other young people.

The groups and clubs must be able to provide enjoyable experiences for our young people whilst enabling them to reduce social isolation and contribute to their personal and social development.

Any projects or groups set up may be specialist or may provide an environment, which prepares disabled children and young people for transition to inclusive provisions.

The Service is looking for flexible projects or groups that enable children and young people to participate in fun and stimulating activities at a range of times that suit them including evenings, weekends and during school holidays.

The County Council’s current framework ends on 30th September 2019 and they invite all existing providers and new ones to join our new framework. Their tender is due to go live on May 28th and they have a provider engagement day on 16th May 2019, 14:00 – 16:00 at the Kreis Viersen Room, Shire Hall in Cambridge, CB3 0AP.

If you are interested in attending this event, please can you email childrenscommissioningteam@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.

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