Connecting Communities 2023 – Round up and slides
In a flash June is over, along with Volunteers Week, Small Charities Week and Connecting Communities 2023 conference.
Connecting Communities, the annual conference around volunteer management took place between the 20th and 22nd of June 2023. With speakers from national charities such as Scouting, small local groups and then a selection of experts in the field, there was much discussion and talk about how volunteer management must change in the coming years.
One thing reflected throughout all three days was that recruiting volunteers is getting more complicated; this was shown in stories told by those attending and in lots of the data. In the final session, it was highlighted that this is not just a UK issue. However, this doesn’t help those on the frontline in developing services for our communities.
The other key areas of discussion in all three talks were; diversifying your pool of volunteers through different marketing techniques, people, not roles – promote your group, not your roles, and finally, that change needs to come from the top. Trustees and senior leaders must understand that change needs to happen in how we recruit volunteers and where we put our volunteers, and encourage further strategies to reflect that.
The events received positive feedback from all that attended. More information on this will follow. Below are the slides from the speakers for reference, and if you couldn’t attend and have some feedback on what you would like to see next year, please do get in contact