July 2024
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Voluntary Sector Network Update
Our last meeting
The June VSN meeting heard from Clive Emmett from Uttlesford Community Action Network about their hospital discharge work. There was a lively discussion about learning from this and working together. A copy of the project’s evaluation has already been circulated to VSN members. Please ask Debbie for a copy if you didn’t receive it.
We also heard from Rob Henchy, ICB, and Dan Horn, Fenland DC, about their Early Help Hub. Another topic that presented lots of opportunities for learning and joining up. The point was well made that the sector cannot continually take on more and more work without extra funding. The meeting notes will have more details on both conversations.
How to make the world a bit different – in a good way!
12 September, 9:30-1:30pm delivered via Teams
We are delighted to have negotiated several training opportunities for VSN members through the ICB. This first session has been designed to encourage you to reflect on the importance of management, regardless of your role or level of experience. It introduces the Daniel Goleman model of Emotional Intelligence and will support you to develop strategies to increase your self-awareness, and in turn improve how you manage yourself at work, particularly when working under pressure. Email Andrea to book your place: a.grosbois@nhs.net
Assura/ICB grants
15 organisations were invited to submit full applications to this grant programme. The panel has now met and successful applicants are now being notified. Pleasingly the panel included senior representatives from both south and north place. We are delighted that there will be a Round 2 that will go live in the autumn and target the Integrated Neighbourhood areas that were not funded in the first round. We will make sure that all our members, the wider sector and Integrated Neighbourhood Managers have good notice of dates.
Following on from the success of our first showcase event a second has been arranged for 11th July and we are now taking bookings. During the day 12 organisations will be explaining their services and how they work. These are; Age UK, Voluntary Sector Alliance, Head to Toe, YMCA Trinity, DISH, Peterborough United Foundation, Sue Ryder, The Kite Trust, Cambs Deaf Association, Shopmobility and Homestart. To find out more and book your slots click here.
Representative update
Inevitably we have had a few changes in our representatives. However, we are finding that we have plenty of interest from experienced VCSE leaders to help us fill the vacancies. We are working on a system whereby we can inform our members of future items on ICB committee agendas and put questions forward to our representatives to ask on their behalf. We have a space at every VSN meeting for reps to feedback and take questions.
Reviewing our strategy
Work is progressing to review our strategy and draft a new action plan that reflects the current environment and has clear ownership of activities. Once this is drafted there will be a consultation so that we can hear the views of our members, the wider sector and our partners. We anticipate launching this consultation at our September meeting.
Tell us if we have helped you
We send out many emails to the Network with engagement and training opportunities. If you have taken up one of these opportunities, we would love to hear from you. A sentence or two about the difference it has made for you and your organisation would be perfect and will help us show the benefit of the Network.
- 24th July
- 11th September
- 16th October
- 13th November
- 11th December
- 1:00 – 3:00 pm
- 9:30 – 11:30 pm
- 10:00 – 12:00 pm
- 12:30 – 2:30 pm
- 1.30pm – 4pm
- Cambridge CAB
- Zoom
- Peterborough – Allia @ Peterborough United
- Zoom
- Hartford Village Hall – Huntingdon
Spread the word!
We are always keen to welcome new members, so please pass this newsletter onto any groups and organisations who may not yet be Voluntary Sector Network members. Anyone wishing to join should email Debbie Debbie@huntsforum.org.uk.
You can find out more about the Voluntary Sector Network here