August 2024

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Voluntary Sector Network Update

Assura/ICB grants

It has been a great pleasure to announce the nine local projects that have been funded in Round One of the Assura/ICB grants programme. The applications demonstrated clearly how voluntary and community groups have local knowledge of local wellbeing needs and the potential to work together to improve people’s health. You can read the full listed of funded projects on our webpage:

Thousands of pounds given to local health projects and groups – Support Cambridgeshire

Watch out for Round Two in the autumn when we will be looking to fund projects in the areas not funded in Round One.

July’s meeting

Our last meeting was held in Cambridge and we heard from Heather Noble, MD of the South Care Partnership and Erin Lilley, Director, about the development of Integrated Neighbourhoods (INs) in South Place. These INs will helpfully align to district and city council boundaries. The East Cambs Wellness Hub was given an example of multi-disciplinary working that they are looking to achieve across the area.

Sharon Allen, CEO of Arthur Rank Hospice Charity, also gave an overview of the ReSPECT process and offered training for VCSE colleagues who could advocate for their clients to ensure they have these care plan conversations with their health professionals. Contact Debbie if you would be interested in this training session.


Many thanks to Debbie who has coordinated another roaring success of a showcase! 12 very different voluntary and community organisations explained what they do. A total of 48 colleagues from all sectors attended to listen and ask questions. We’ll be doing another showcase day later in the year.

Training opportunity – last call

There are still places on the ‘Making the World a Bit Different’ course on 12th September online 9.30am-1.30pm offered by our ICB colleagues. Please contact Debbie before 6th August to book your place.

‘This training is designed to encourage you to reflect on the importance of management, regardless of your role or level of experience. It introduces the Daniel Goleman model of Emotional Intelligence and will support you to develop strategies to increase your self-awareness, and in turn improve how you manage yourself at work, particularly when working under pressure.’

Health and Wellbeing Network

The network’s rescheduled meeting around LGBTQ+ is on 20th August from 12-1.15pm. Book your place here.

Representative vacancy

VSN members will have received an invitation to express an interest in taking up our ICB committee vacancy. Please return your forms to Debbie by 16th August and ask her if you are a member and have not received this.

Further information

You can find our strategy ‘Working Together for a Better Future’, notes from previous Voluntary Sector Network meetings and newsletters on our webpage here. And please do tell us if you have taken up the opportunities that we circulate. Feedback is always welcome!

  • 11th September
  • 16th October
  • 13th November
  • 11th December
  • 9:30 – 11:30 pm
  • 10:00 – 12:00 pm
  • 12:30 – 2:30 pm
  • 1.30pm – 4pm
  • Zoom
  • Peterborough – Allia @ Peterborough United
  • Zoom
  • Hartford Village Hall – Huntingdon

Spread the word!

We are always keen to welcome new members, so please pass this newsletter onto any groups and organisations who may not yet be Voluntary Sector Network members. Anyone wishing to join should email Debbie

You can find out more about the Voluntary Sector Network here