Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Board: Adult Safeguarding Professionals Survey

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Adult Partnership Board would like to hear from practitioners and managers, working across the region, about your work to safeguard adults. The link to the survey is featured below and please distribute the link to as many staff members within your organisations as possible.

This is a completely anonymous survey that should only take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Adult’s Partnership Board would like to allow you to share your thoughts and experiences surrounding your work in the field of adult safeguarding.  From the information that you give them, by answering this short survey, they hope to find out; not only ‘what adult safeguarding means’ to you as a professional, but also what your experiences are of working with adults at risk and their families/carers.

As mentioned above the completion of the survey is completely anonymous and the findings will only be used, by the Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board, to look at identifying; any gaps in understanding, training needs, where to aim future resources for safeguarding awareness events and to help to further inform the self-assessment tool (currently being completed by safeguarding leads within each agency to highlight areas of strength and areas of development for adult safeguarding duties and responsibilities).

Once all the data has been analysed there will be briefings for professionals on what we have found and discussions held within the Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board Groups as to how to take any recommendations forward.

The survey link can be found below, and the survey will be open until Friday 1 March 2024.

Link to survey: Adult Safeguarding Professionals Survey 2023- 2024 (


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