Becoming an ICS – We want your views

Health and care organisations across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are becoming more joined up than ever before after the creation of a new Integrated Care System (ICS) for the area.

Integrated Care Systems, or ICSs, are partnerships between organisations that meet the health and care needs of local people. There are 42 Integrated Care Systems in England, with our Integrated Care System covering all of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

By working together, different parts of the health and care system are better able to improve the health and wellbeing of local communities, reducing health inequalities and putting patients at the heart of everything we do.

Now that we have been accredited as an ICS, we are looking at how we ensure we are continuing to improve and meeting the needs of the population. As part of this we recognise that a key element of our success will be listening to and involving our staff and key stakeholders every step of the way.

It is vital those who know our local communities, understand the challenges we face and have unique insights into our patient needs have the opportunity to share their views on the future of local health and care services.

This is why we are asking for your views via a short survey. This will help us understand what you think an ICS is and should focus on alongside getting your views on elements such as branding, visions and ways in which those who would like to be more involved can do in the future. The survey will run until 25th June 2021 and we will share the results with you all soon after. You can access the survey HERE

You can also find further information on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System webpage

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