Voluntary Sector Network Meeting – 11th September 2024

Sandie welcomed everyone and then shared the Action Log.

All actions are complete but the opportunity to hold a ReSpect workshop for those who are interested is still available from Sharon– please could you let Debbie or Sharon Allen know if you would be interested.

EDI Workshops

Danny Karystinos shared a presentation with the group around EDI and recruitment and talked about the changes that can be made to really be inclusive and not just a “Tick Box”. Danny said that the Voluntary Sector could come along to sessions arranged BUT was happy to put one on specifically for the VSN. These would need to be in October as Danny’s post is ending in November.

ACTION – to share slides post meeting (Debbie)

ACTION – to arrange with Danny some workshop dates (Debbie)

Healthier Futures Fund Feedback- Andrea

Andrea shared slides with the group outlining the information from the Healthier Futures Fund and the Feedback from the survey.

There had been a lot of interest from the Voluntary Sector and 21 projects being funded. This was 3 years of funding of between £50- £300k.

They received 29 responses to the survey which aimed to find out people’s experience of applying and barrier to application. Andrea thanked the sector for their patience in the constantly evolving process and said that the ICB had learnt lessons from this.

A couple of the things highlighted were the difficulty in smaller organisations applying (ie the grant value was not a good fit for small groups and they don’t have capacity to complete the application process)

The Real Living Wage and the need for accreditation has been discussed at the VSN Steering group. For small organisations this could have been a barrier event

though the sector aspires to paying well. The use of accredited contractors felt restrictive too.

Andrea will be taking the survey feedback to the Aligning Support Steering Group on the 23rd so would like any other feedback before then.

ACTION to share slides post meeting and for any other feedback to Andrea before 23rd.

Workforce Pro Bono- Andrea

Previously we have discussed at the VSN with Laura Porro the possibility of ICB staff doing a day of volunteering at a voluntary sector organisation. It was felt that this may be difficult and actually cause more work. Many of the staff at ICB have skills that could be used pro bono such as coaches, comms, finance, legal etc and it would be good to have a guide to what was on offer and match with organisations needing the support.

Andrea is awaiting sign off from the committee to proceed as this does have a cost implication to ICB .

Workforce mentoring- Andrea/ Sharon

The aim is to bring systems closer together and ICB are setting up a pilot mentoring scheme where the Voluntary Sector can be mentors for ICB staff.

Andrea shared some slides showing what the process would be and what the expectations are.

Andrea asked for any suggestions to add to the reading list/resources that would give the mentees a greater understanding of the VCSE sector and working with communities.

Sandie has she will compile a pack and a suggestion to include the Vital Signs report: https://www.cambscf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Vital-Signs-2024.pdf

The scheme is now open for expressions of interest with a view to starting some of the relationship matching from October. The link to the expression of interest form is here: https://forms.office.com/e/ZaBZkDCgpa

ACTION To compile a pack of supporting information-Sandie

ACTION To share slides post meeting- Debbie

Director Update- Sandie

All the details for the Strategy Review are now live on Support Cambs Website. Members are asked to look at the supporting documents and then respond to the survey. Anyone in your organisation can fill this in.

VSN strategy review survey

This review will be being shared with the ICB members too and any other partners. Andrea will share through the internal newsletter too.

Two listening events have been set up. The first is for the voluntary sector 24th September and the second is 9th Oct and open to all.

ACTION to send the VSN an email with all the strategy details included- Debbie

Learning Disability Partnership- the steering group have discussed the disbanding of this and have asked if there has been an impact assessment done.

Although the service offer in theory will be offered the separation of the service could have an impact on the service user or carers.

It was agreed that a letter will be written to the ICB and CCC expressing concern.

ACTION– Sandie to draft a letter for approval and then to send to appropriate people.

Assura Grants- round 2 of this is happening but as yet we do not have specific dates. We have 20K left over from the first round and we are looking at ways to top this up. The next round will be focussing on Integrated Neighbourhoods who did not receive in the first round- not all IN will be able to be covered.

Reps feedback

Sharon talked about the Just R recruitment portal (previous details shared with group) so far ARHC are the only voluntary sector organisation signed up to this. There are no costs to this and the ICB are looking to see how then can increase the looks to non NHS posts.

Contact Sharon or Mel Payne at ICB for more details

ACTION Sandie will add to the next newsletter.

Sharon mentioned the Culture and Leadership Compact and the Leadership programme.

Some of the VSN attended the Above Difference training and there are now plans to set up a leadership alumni.

Sharon also asked if organisations did staff surveys were they willing to share the questions they asked and outcomes for some ongoing work that is happening.


Robert Colbert alerted the group to a reduction in funding for Alzheimer’s Peterborough which has meant a reduction in days the resource centre can be open and the loss of Ade Gardeners post- Robert will be feeding back VSN info to Peterborough.

Many different offers of training are coming through from ICB- if you or team members attends any it would be great if they could give us feedback and let us know what they have signed up to (if it wasn’t organised through Debbie).

The Next Health and Wellbeing Network meeting has invited the Community Pharmacist and the NHS BA to talked about what’s happening in their areas.

Debbie is in the process of organising the next showcase event – this is going to be 20th November- if you are interested in being a showcasing organisation please let Debbie know – attendance at these is big and covers all areas including ICB, CCC and district council staff.

A reminder that there will be a second session on the New Models of care is happening on 17th September at 3pm online.

Just to be aware NAVCA along with Sandie and Andrea have been doing a piece of work. They are looking for images and may approach VSN members so this is a genuine request.

Thank you

As many of you are aware PCVS have a new CEO Kirsteen McVeigh. The Voluntary Sector Network would like to thank Gill Benedkiz for her amazing input and engagement with this group whilst they have been awaiting Kirsteen’s arrival.

Grassroots Activity Grants/ Cambridge City Council/ Deadline 8 Nov 2024

Cambridge City Council’s Grassroots Activity Grant is funded by the Leys school and is to support children from low-income families in Cambridge City to access sport, dance, physical activity sessions or swimming lessons. 

The grant is open for applications between the 1st October and the 8th November.

What is available?

It provides up to £250 per year to pay for joining fees and weekly session fees.

The grant is kindly funded by the Leys School.  

Eligibility and restrictions

The grant can only be used for children aged 4 to 16.

You must:

  • live in Cambridge
  • receive Income Support or Universal Credit

They will prioritise applications from:

  • families whose children do not take part in after-school physical activity due to financial restrictions
  • families who have not previously received a Grassroots Activity Grant

You cannot use the grant to pay for:

  • travel expenses
  • one-to-one sessions or private small group sessions
  • after-school clubs or one-off activity camps

How to apply

Application form for land-based sports / activities: https://forms.office.com/e/ayfj5iPHMq

Application form for swimming lessons: https://forms.office.com/e/VhNPUtc6En

If they accept your application, they will pay the grant to the organisation that provides the activity.

They will provide funds for equipment in the form of vouchers that you can redeem at sports shops. You must provide receipts within six weeks of receiving the vouchers.

Deadline: 8th November 2024

Grassroots Activity Grants – Cambridge City Council

DBS Conference – Safeguarding, technology and rehabilitation of offenders

Registration is now open for the DBS Virtual Conference 2024! 

Register to attend on the following link DBS Events – DBS Virtual Conference 2024 (livegroup.co.uk) 

Taking place on 15-17 October 2024, this year’s DBS Conference will take on a new format. The DBS Conference 2024 event will run online, over the course of 3 days, (from 10:00 – 15:00) and will include an exciting variety of keynote speakers, workshops, panel and round table discussions, providing essential insight into the current and future safeguarding landscape. 


·       Day 1 theme: Technology and Innovation and the future of safeguarding. 

·       Day 2 theme: Information Sharing and the importance in safeguarding. 

·       Day 3 theme: ROA – Rehabilitation of Offenders – balancing safeguarding with individuals rights to rehabilitation.    


As the event is online, there will be recordings available post conference to view at your convenience, so please still sign up if you are not able to attend on the day, or only able to attend parts of this year’s conference. 

This event is free of charge and open to all with an interest in safeguarding so please feel free to share this link with your colleagues and networks.

Neighbourhood Planning Grant / Locality/ Deadline tbc

The Neighbourhood Planning Support Programme

MHCLG have extended the support for a seventh year (2024/2025). The Neighbourhood Planning Support Programme will continue to offer grants and Technical Support packages.

What is available?

The programme provides grant and Technical Support to eligible groups.

Grant support

All groups undertaking a neighbourhood plan or neighbourhood development order (NDO) are eligible to apply for up to £10,000 in Basic Grant. Grants can be used for a range of activities to support the plan or order-making process.

Additional Grant
If your group is facing more complex issues, you may be eligible for an Additional Grant of £8,000 (in addition to the £10,000 Basic Grant). This Additional Grant is available to
groups if any one of the following is met:

• Allocating sites for housing in your neighbourhood plan
• Proposing to include design codes in your neighbourhood plan
• All groups writing a business led neighbourhood plan
• All groups preparing a plan for a cluster of three or more parish councils
• Neighbourhood plans for areas which have a population of over 25,000 people
• Designated neighbourhood forums
• Groups based in areas which have a high level of deprivation (where 30% or
more of the neighbourhood area or population is in the 20% most deprived areas
in England according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation).

If you meet the eligibility criteria above, you can apply for this additional £8,000, giving a total amount that can be applied for of £18,000.


Technical Support

Groups facing more complex issues may be eligible for packages of Technical Support.

Technical Support is awarded as a technical work package and is in addition and separate to the grant. It has no relation to how much grant you are eligible for and can be awarded to you at the same time. It is delivered free of charge to groups who qualify by meeting the eligibility criteria listed below.

Technical Support is available to groups in any of the following circumstances:

• Allocating sites for housing in your neighbourhood plan
• Proposing to include design codes in your neighbourhood plan
• Preparing a neighbourhood development order
• An undesignated forum needing help to get designated (this unlocks the ‘Setting up a Neighbourhood Planning Group (in unparished areas)’ package of support only. To be eligible for the other packages of support your forum will need to be designated).
• Designated neighbourhood forums Groups based in areas which have a high level of deprivation (where 30% or more of the neighbourhood area or population is in the 20% most deprived areas in England according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation).
• The programme also offers ‘Forum Development’ support specifically for groups who are setting up a neighbourhood planning group in an unparished area.

How to apply

To find out more and apply please visit: Home – Locality Neighbourhood Planning

Governance Month 2024 – Strengthen your non-profit!

Join us this Governance Month as we focus on empowering effective non-profit management. Support Cambridgeshire is committed to providing practical insights and resources to help trustees and staff navigate the challenges and opportunities unique to the sector.

Throughout the month, we’ll offer a range of events and workshops covering essential topics like:

  • Trusteeship: Understanding your role, responsibilities, and best practices.
  • Policy Development: Creating clear guidelines and frameworks for your organisation.
  • Strategic Vision: Setting goals, planning for the future, and measuring success.

We’ll also be sharing information about outstanding events hosted by other organisations specialising in these areas. It’s a chance to connect with peers, learn from experts, and strengthen your non-profit’s governance.

Events and Links to Booking Forms

  1. Working with Your Chair: How to Create a Positive Relationship
    • Date: Nov 13, 1:00 pm – 2:40 pm
    • Format: Online
    • Description: This online event will explore critical stages and dimensions of the CEO-Chair relationship, providing tools to help you navigate and strengthen this partnership.
    • Book Here


  1. Essential Skills for Trustees
    • Part 1: Wednesday, November 6th, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
    • Part 2: Thursday, November 14th, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
    • Format: Online
    • Description: This two-part workshop offers essential tools for trustees to perform their role safely and effectively.
    • Book Here


  1. Understanding Our Business Models to Build Sustainability with Impact
    • Date: Nov 21, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
    • Format: Online
    • Description: This workshop will explore how to align your organisation’s income-generating activities with its mission and build long-term sustainability.
    • Book Here

Whether you’re a CEO, trustee, or senior leader – Governance Month offers something for everyone. Join us for these valuable sessions and discover how to strengthen your non-profit’s governance and enhance its impact.

Cambs Digi Fest!

Please join Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership for this year’s Cambs Digi Fest where everyone comes together to explore topics linked to digital inclusion, learn new skills and celebrate brilliant work! 

Bright comic style background with arrows. Text: Cambs Digi Fest 2024. Join us for a series of events that will highlight digital issues and technology and celebrate the great work in digital inclusion across the county. ‘Join us’ appears in a big comic flash. We see 4 logos: Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership, Connecting Cambridgeshire, Cambridge city Council Community Grants and CCVS.


Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership is a network run by Cambridge CVS, with the aim to bring people and organisations in Cambridgeshire together to build relationships and share best practice, in order to improve digital skills and inclusion for residents.

The Partnership been very busy behind the scenes with Connecting Cambridgeshire to bring you 5 fabulous events with some amazing speakers!

⭐ Empowering Families: A Conversation on Digital Inclusion for Households with Children.
Tuesday 8th October 10am to 11:30am.

This event will explore on a national and local level, why there is a need for A Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children and what needs to happen to ensure it is met.

This is for anyone interested in finding out more about the Good Things Foundation and University of Liverpool report ‘A Minimum Digital Living Standards for Households with Children’ and how it applies to communities in Cambridgeshire.

Guest speakers:

Charity, The Red Hen Project

Simeon Yates, Professor of Digital Culture in the Department of Communications and Media at the University of Liverpool and Joint Director of the Digital Media and Society Research Institute.

Dr. Emma Stone, Director of Evidence and Engagement at Good Things Foundation – the UK’s leading digital inclusion charity.

Find out more about the speakers and book 

⭐ Building Healthier Communities: A Conversation on the Role of Digital Inclusion.
Tuesday 15th October 1pm to 2:30pm.

This event will explore recent research into the impact of digital inclusion and exclusion on physical and mental health in Cambridgeshire and recommendations for change.

It is for anyone interested in recent research that explores the impact of digital inclusion and exclusion on physical and mental health in Cambridgeshire.

Guest speakers:

Karen Igho, Project Manager at Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough will share findings on the impact of digital inclusion on health and care services.

Dr. Joyce F Coker from Cambridge Public Health at Cambridge University will share preliminary results from their digital asset study that spans East of England, North West London, West Midlands, North East and North Cumbria.

Dr. Alison Tingle, Research Fellow at Hertfordshire University will discuss the third and final briefing from a research project exploring digital technologies in adult social care to support social wellbeing for community dwelling older adults (DiTSoW).

Find out more about the speakers and book

⭐ Digital skills training: Accessibility and Social Media.
Tuesday 5th November 1:30 to 2:30pm.

This webinar will include presentation and discussion and will be delivered by Passion4Social.

Passion4Social is a social enterprise dedicated to promoting digital accessibility and inclusion. Its primary focus is on ensuring that digital content and technologies are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.

The organisation offers a range of services to achieve this goal, such as brand storytelling, web and app development, graphic design, content creation, social media campaigns and accessibility services.

It is for any charity or voluntary group that would like to develop their social media platforms and make them more accessible.

Find out more and book

⭐ Digital skills training: Saving Time with Generative AI – Insights for Small Charities.
Tuesday 12th November 1:30 to 2:30pm.

This live online training aims to showcase how Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) can save time for small charities and community groups. Participants will gain hands-on examples and clear guidelines to confidently incorporate these technologies into their daily operations.

This webinar will include presentation, demonstrations and discussion and will be delivered by Flóra Raffai.

Flóra Raffai is the Founder of Rapport Coaching, specialising in coaching, training, and consulting with small organisations.

Find out more and book

⭐ Digital Inclusion Network – an in-person celebration!

More details soon, but this will be on Wednesday 4 December at Meadows Community Centre – so please hold the date.

Hope to see you at Cambs Digi Fest!

Thank you to funders Cambridge City Council Community Grants. 

Cambridge City Council Community Grants

Want to know more about Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership?

If you’d like to sign up to their newsletter please visit: Subscribe to CDP Network : AideMail

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cambridgeshire-digital-partnership

Twitter / X : (1) Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership (@CambsDigi) / X (twitter.com)

New on -Demand Training – Introduction to engaging with business

Get Synergised, one of Support Cambridgeshire’s collaborators has developed a new free training course that anyone can access. This course aims to refresh knowledge and allow you to feel confident in the subject area.

Introduction to engaging with businesses


Those looking to engage with businesses to develop connections


Five insights that you probably wish you knew about cultivating partnerships with businesses to help diversify income and resources for greater sustainability.


11.39 mins


The Support Cambridgeshire On-Demand Training portal updates your knowledge base around charity and community sector know-how. It is free to access whenever every you want. Fill in the form, press send, and you be sent the link to browse at your leisure, don’t forget to save the link so you can return it as many times as you want!

Interested to learn? This click HERE

How charities and CIO’s can engage with Duke of Edinburgh

Back in June 2024, we held a Youth Volunteering event, which looked at giving the voluntary and community groups out there more information about how to engage with younger people. We had speakers from projects and organisations which supported younger people come and speak about how VCS could engage with younger people – these talks can be viewed by clicking here 

Sadly, due to staff changes, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award was unable to attend the session. With the staff in place now, Alexa has created the presentation below on how charities and CIOs can engage with the DofE and look to set up a project that would allow students to engage with their organisation on an on going process.

While recording the session, it was asked where liability lay, as this was a question that came up in the original event; Alexa confirmed that the VCSE group would need to make sure they had the right insurance in place; however, as this is an issue that does crop up time and time again. Support Cambridgeshire is going to continue to discuss with DofE to establish what other organisations have in place and how they can negate those challenges.

If you are a charity or CIO interested in setting up a DofE program, then do speak to Alexa, who is always looking to work with more organisations.


Presentation and Slides 

To view the slides click HERE


About Alexa – Alexa.Bowden@DofE.org

Introduction to Engaging with Businesses: Five Things I Wish I Knew

Get synergised, have created this basic introduction to working with business on behalf of Support Cambridgeshire. We regularly collaborate with Get Synergised to support groups looking to make connections with businesses. This particular training is aimed at small charities and voluntary groups, whether you are at the beginning of your journey in engaging with businesses or seeking a refresher. 


Introduction to Engaging with Businesses: 5 Things I Wish I Knew

Hello and welcome to this Introduction to Engaging with Businesses: 5 Things I Wish I Knew, a recording for Support Cambridgeshire delivered by Get Synergised in partnership with Cambridge CVS and Hunts Forum.

This is one of several recordings developed to support small charities and voluntary groups in engaging with businesses. This recording includes some tips for success and is supported by a transcript and links that will take you to additional resources and information on the Get Synergised website.

Title Page

Introduction to Engaging with Businesses: 5 Things I Wish I Knew

If you are beginning your journey in engaging with businesses or seeking a refresher, this on-demand training video presents five insights that you probably wish you knew.

By avoiding common pitfalls, you’ll be well-prepared to cultivate partnerships with businesses eager to support you and your mission to help diversify income and resources for greater sustainability.

Slide 1

Firstly – Why Does Partnering with Businesses Benefit Your Organisation?

  • Expanded Resources: Businesses can provide financial support, in-kind donations, and access to expertise, enhancing your organisation’s capabilities and impact.
  • Enhanced Visibility and Credibility: Partnering with reputable businesses can elevate your organisation’s profile and credibility within the community and among stakeholders.
  • Innovative Solutions: Collaboration with businesses can spark innovation and creativity, leading to new ideas and approaches for tackling social challenges.
  • Sustainable Relationships: Establishing partnerships with businesses fosters long-term relationships built on shared values, which can lead to ongoing support and collaboration.

Now we know that, let’s delve into the 5 Things I Wish I Knew.

Slide 2

Introduction to Engaging with Businesses: 5 Things I Wish I Knew

  1. Think About What You Might Need from a Business
  2. Take Time to Build Relationships
  3. Align Goals and Values
  4. Confidently Make That Initial Ask and Contact
  5. Always Follow Up, Celebrate Success, and Give Thanks

Slide 3

Think About What You Might Need from a Business

When engaging with businesses, it’s crucial to consider and request support beyond just financial contributions – although monetary support is indeed significant. Businesses are busy, so a well-defined request helps them understand exactly how they can contribute and what is needed. Here are some points on how to prepare to maximise your chances of success:

  • Time:
    • Volunteer Opportunities: Clearly outline how much time you need from business volunteers and what specific activities they will be involved in. For example, you might need volunteers for pro bono expertise or a fundraising event.
    • Flexible Options: Offer flexible volunteering opportunities that can fit into busy schedules on both sides, such as virtual volunteering or short-term projects.
  • Skills:
    • Skill-Based Volunteering: Identify specific skills that would benefit your nonprofit and seek volunteers who can provide those skills. For example, you might need help with marketing, graphic design, legal advice, or IT support.
    • Professional Development: Highlight how volunteering can also benefit their employees by providing professional development opportunities and enhancing their skills.
  • Expertise:
    • Advisory Roles: Invite business leaders to join advisory boards, trustee boards, or committees where their expertise can guide your non-profit’s strategy and operations.
    • Workshops and Training: Request experts to conduct workshops or training sessions for your staff or beneficiaries. For instance, financial experts could offer financial literacy workshops.
  • Resources:
    • In-Kind Donations: Specify what physical resources or equipment you need. This could range from office supplies, technology, or transportation.
    • Rooms and Space: Request meeting rooms or event spaces that the business can provide.
  • Finance:
    • Monetary Donations: Clearly outline the financial support you need, specifying amounts and how the funds will be used.
    • Sponsorship Opportunities: Offer sponsorship packages for events or programmes, detailing the benefits the business will receive in return, such as branding opportunities, meeting ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals, recognition, and networking.

Slide 4

Take Time to Build Relationships

  • Personal Connections: Develop personal relationships with key individuals in the business, rather than just seeking money and going in with a hard ask. Take the time to understand their motivations, interests, and values. Personal connections and warm introductions can strengthen the partnership and facilitate smoother collaboration.
  • Understand the Business: Research the company if you can. Understand their mission, values, corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, and any past involvement with non-profits. This helps tailor your approach and shows that you’ve done your homework.
  • Identify the Right Person: Find out who the decision-makers are through a bit of research or asking others if you can. This might be someone in the CSR department, marketing, HR, or even the CEO, depending on the size and structure of the business.

Slide 5

Align Goals and Values

  • Good Fit: When looking for businesses to meet your asks, think about which businesses would be a good fit, might share your values, where they might be located, and what industries might be able to help you with what you need.
  • Know Your Own Mission, Vision, and Values: Be clear about your own non-profit’s mission, vision, and values to find the best alignment with potential business partners.


Slide 6

Confidently Make That Initial Ask and Contact

  • Personalise Your Approach: Tailor your message/email to the specific business and individual. Mention any common ground and keep your message brief and to the point, including a clear call to action that encourages a response.
  • Highlight What’s in It for Them: Shift the focus to their interests – why should they care? Clearly explain how your non-profit’s mission aligns with their goals and values.
  • Utilise Storytelling: Craft a compelling narrative that introduces your non-profit, what you do, the impact you make, and how it relates to the business. Explain the reason for reaching out and the potential synergy between your missions.
  • Utilise Existing Networks: If possible, leverage mutual connections to facilitate an introduction. A warm introduction significantly enhances the likelihood of a positive response.
  • Attend Networking Events: Engage in events where business leaders are present. These venues offer opportunities for face-to-face interactions and deeper engagement.
  • Phone Calls: Direct calls can sometimes be more effective. Be prepared with a concise pitch and ready to address any inquiries.
  • Utilise Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn are effective for connecting with business professionals. Craft a concise and polite message outlining your purpose or share your organisation’s needs on the platform.
  • Propose a Meeting: Request a brief meeting to explore potential collaboration. Offer flexible scheduling options and suggest a few dates and times that work for them.
  • Articulate What You Can Offer: Describe the mutual benefits of collaboration, emphasising how their involvement will create a positive impact and meet their CSR goals, among other business benefits. Use stories, data, and examples to illustrate the value and potential returns on their investment.

Slide 7

Always Follow Up, Celebrate Success, and Give Thanks

  • Prompt Follow-Up: If you don’t receive a response within a week or two, send a polite follow-up email or call to reiterate your interest and inquire about their decision.
  • Share Impact Stories: Share stories and experiences that illustrate the impact of your partnership. Highlighting real examples and successes can reinforce the value of the collaboration and inspire continued support.
  • Thank Them: Regardless of the outcome, thank them for their time and consideration. This leaves a positive impression and opens the door for future opportunities.

Slide 8

Case Study Examples

  • Mills & Reeve and Hannah Nunn Kick Starter Coffee
  • Tees Law and Cambridge Acorn Project Legal Clinic

Slide 9

Benefits of Adopting Effective Partnership Strategies

  • Saves time and money
  • Enhance ROI (Return on Investment)
  • Maximise resource collaboration potential
  • Support sustainability of your organisation

Slide 10

Final Words – Image slide

We hope that you have enjoyed this short video, “An Introduction to Engaging with Businesses: 5 Things I Wish I Knew.” Hopefully, you now feel more equipped with some key points to get you off the starting block or to refresh your partnership strategy in this area for greater success.

Building influential relationships with corporate business partners, if done correctly, will help you diversify your income and resources while also boosting your credibility, profiling your organisation, reaching new audiences, making an even greater impact in your community, and sustaining your operations.

If you’re seeking to take your corporate partnership to the next level, we encourage you to enrol in our Foundation Course, “Winning Corporate Partnerships in 5 Steps.” This course will teach you to understand what businesses are looking for to attract their attention and how to use your time more efficiently to achieve better results with a proven strategic, relationship-first approach. It will also give you an overview of our strategic blueprint to help you build your Corporate Partnership Strategy.

Discover more about our courses, or subscribe to our newsletter for insightful tips and updates by taking a look at our website – www.getsynergised.com

Brought to you in collaboration with Support Cambridgeshire, CCVS, Hunts Forum and Get Synergised



The Library Presents is back!

The Library Presents reveals the returning favourites and new delights set to perform in Cambridgeshire libraries this Autumn and Winter.

Libraries across the county will once again host an exciting programme of live performances and workshops running from October to December 2024. With 43 events taking place across 23 venues, The Library Presents offers something for everyone, from music and puppetry to dance, theatre, storytelling, and circus.

Tickets go on sale Thursday, September 19th. Don’t miss your chance to join in the fun and discover something new!


What’s On: Highlights of the Season

· Twinpossible by Kane & Abel: The comedic duo returns with a show blending stand-up, magic, and theatrical illusions – fun for all ages.

· The Three Little Pigs by Garlic Theatre: A fresh puppetry twist on the classic tale, set in Paris.

· LORE by James Wilton Dance: A super-physical, dynamic dance performance that dives into a pagan world of gods, demons, and humans.

· The Rainbow Butterfly by Ella Mesma Company: A vibrant family show combining storytelling, carnival, aerial circus, beatboxing, and Hip Hop dance.

· Havisham by Emul8 Theatre: Step into the dark, fractured world of Dickens’ most gothic character.

· Ghost of a Smile!: Two creepy, comical tales from Dickens performed by Nicholas Collett.

· Opera Dudes Christmas Special: Music and laughter in Whittlesey and Littleport.

· Folk Tales and Fiddles: Local folk music, foot-tapping tunes, and mysterious tales in Histon and March.

· Nature Elly from Barmpot Theatre: An exciting family puppet show for early years children and their families. This show includes British Sign Language and a pre-show Touch Tour is available on request.


Get Creative: Workshops for all ages Explore your creativity with workshops in visual arts, crafts, digital animation, dance, and more! New workshops this season include Murder Mystery, Miniature-Making, and Digital Animation.

Accessible events for everyone We remain committed to making “The Library Presents” accessible to all. Many performances are “Relaxed Events,” catering to neurodiverse and autistic audiences. We offer hearing loops on request, while some shows include British Sign Language interpretation, and pre-show Touch Tours. Visit the Events page on our website for detailed access information. Our first dementia-friendly event, Wonderland by Spiltmilk Dance, promises a festive show with music, dance, and gingerbread decorating!

Hazel Edwards, South East Area Director, Arts Council England, said: “We are thrilled to support The Library Presents, which continues to bring a vibrant array of arts and cultural activities to communities across Cambridgeshire. The programme’s dedication to accessibility and diversity are truly commendable. It’s inspiring to see libraries transform into dynamic cultural spaces where everyone can engage with creativity. We are proud to contribute to an initiative that not only enriches local communities but also makes the arts affordable and inclusive for all.”

Affordable ticket pricing The Library Presents continues to offer good value tickets, thanks to public funding from Arts Council England. Ticket prices range from £2 to £10, with many concession options and “pay what you can” choices.

Join us and be inspired “We are proud to share the Autumn Season line-up. Now in its 7th year The Library Presents programme just gets better and better” said Councillor Tom Sanderson, chair of the Communities, Social Mobility and Inclusion Committee at Cambridgeshire County Council. “The programme offers an affordable opportunity to try something you’ve never done before; for you, your family and friends.

“Our libraries are more than just places for books, they are vibrant community spaces where people can come together to engage with culture and creativity. Discover all your library has to offer – it’s free to join and to use. We welcome you to browse and borrow our collection, access our PCs and WiFi for free and use our space to study, meet, share or just relax.”

Book now  www.library.live/the-library-presents or pick up a brochure at your local library. With such an exciting line-up, tickets are expected to sell quickly – so don’t wait!

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